A war penalty

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Chapter 44:


Two hours into their stay in Ha'nei, Ray and his army continued their previous activities to do their utmost best to improve their city, and needless to say... They're doing a good job.

The city prospers with Ooarai's strategic use of initiatives, and over in the ROC, Major Ash praise, or point out their charity work in a good light. It's slightly condescending, however, but that's just to hide his favoritism. His condescending remark is that Ooarai is spending the last of their budget, and joked that this round is their most expensive one.

Fortunately, his broadcast was only heard by the audience.

{Speaking of the audience, there are representatives of other schools that came to view the fight between Saunders and Ooarai. One such school is St. Gloriana, who, recalling from past records, once trained and exercised with Ooarai. They're considered to be best friends with the hedge carrier. They're situated in a secluded hillside, and was escorted by a military truck driven by Rachel}

At first, Darjeeling disliked the thought of bringing Rachel along, but since they forgave each other, and Rachel gave Darjeeling and Pekoe a little something something to look at in their bed at night, she obliged Rachel to come with. Originally, Vince would go.

They see the theatre board in full view, and despite the far away distance, they could see their progress. They even brought opera glasses; partially because it's cool and practical to have them, and partially because Darjeeling wanted to try them.

Michael sits in between Rachel and Darjeeling, with Pekoe back at the truck brewing a new batch to fill the kettle.

Darjeeling, like many others, was astonished by Ooarai's unusual charity tactic. The first two must've expected Ray to order such an improbable task.


Darjeeling: "What drove Ray to do such a thing? Ooarai's budget is not that stable for him to be able to conduct this!"

Rachel: "Oi, lady, we jus' experienced a mini-Vietnam when we were fightin' with those blokes again. I think you're just underestimating them."

Darjeeling: "Why I certainly am not! Look at it this way, Ms. Degroot; they must've spent a lot of money buying all of those vehicles and equipment!"

Rachel: "For the last time, you posher, call me 'Rachel!' Quit with the formalities, your majesty."

Michael: "Calm down, luv... Ray is smart with his money; he doesn't spend all of it willy-nilly. He's not a cheapskate, to reassure you, so if it's needed, he will spend his own bucks, and let me tell you, it's guaranteed to be expensive!"

Darjeeling: "That will just leave the man destitute! I commend him for his...smart use of currency though."

Rachel: "Hey, he made it this far in loife. Give him some credit for not living under credit."

*Pekoe returns, holding a tray over a kettle, which she's also holding.*

Pekoe: "I'm back! The kettle is filled, ma'am."

Darjeeling: "Excellent, Pekoe! Now, come sit with us."

Michael: "Hey, while we're talking about some...overindulgence, I think you should cut back your daily tea intake. Too much of it is quite unhealthy."

Rachel: "I understand that Brits like us are obsessed with tea that we sanctioned America for it... But come on! I'm not even English!"

Pekoe: "But aren't you Scottish?"

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