Recurring nightmare Pt. 2

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Chapter 65.5:


Once they enter into the other side of the Basteel, they see that the chaos had already subsided. Victorious Ooarai troops are gathering the prisoners once more in the middle of the lot, and their numbers increase as more POWs are found and captured.

Thomas's builders, and perhaps even Thomas among them, are rebuilding, or fixing what this riot had destroyed. They clear out rubble and debris, and break apart ruined structures they meticulously built several hours before.

Ray finds it weird that the fight ended quickly, then again, even though the mob they faced in the lobby were armed to the teeth, perhaps these barbarians are stripped of their armour, therefore rendering them as easy targets.

But this quick victory of theirs weren't exactly easy. By the looks of things, with the ruined tents; the toppled over pulpits; both Ooarai and Saunders men confined in stretchers and tended to by medics in safer areas, and some parts of the lot being bathed in colours ranging from red, orange, and black, the rebels put up a great fight.


Ray orders his company to help out in finding survivors and gathering them in the middle of the lot, while he goes to find his closest officers so they could explain the situation to them, most notably Matthew, since he always knows everything going on. He might've documented this as well.


He didn't go alone, however, because the same five shield bearers accompany him, ready to cover him if need be.


Sure enough, he finds Matthew at the middle of the lot. He is taking pictures of the gathered Saunders POWs, and reviewing the footage he took during the riot.

Ray yells out his name, and Matthew is alerted. When he sees it's Ray, he quickly rushes over, grabs his hand, and takes the two of them, and Ray's entourage inside of a nearby tent so he can explain things safely.


Matthew is usually calm and collected during every intense battle, even in the two exciting battles yesterday. He's still composed now, but the way he held Ray's wrist tight felt as if he's slightly distressed.

They settle for an empty infantry tent, and sit down on two folding beds where they could discuss the situation.


Matthew: "Sorry for the sudden pull, but I just wanted to make sure we're safe. By the looks of things, that is."

Ray: "I don't mind. In fact, it's a good initiative. Now, may you explain what the heck is going on? Or what just happened?"

Matthew: "Well..." *He hangs his head, and mouths some words, trying to recall the events prior.* "After Peter, Bart, and a bunch of our sober, or sober-ish troops went into that forest, suddenly we heard chanting coming from the place where the stables were once at. We intend to use that as a place to hold our POWs, yeah? Well, turns out gathering all of them in one spot produced revolutionary thoughts. Seems Saunders had the right idea when it comes to scattering prisoners.

"When we sent men trying to take care of it, they were quickly overwhelmed by the POWs. They then took their guns, took them hostage, and soon after the riot escalated. Our men were falling, Saunders took their guns, some storm into the Basteel and raided our facilities. Absolute chaos, basically."

*Ray processes Matthew's words. He scratches his chin, and came up with possibilities that could've made sure things like these shouldn't happen, like letting the prisoners go. They should've done that a few hours before. Ray looks back up at Matthew, and takes off his hat, revealing his matted, spiky hair.*

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