Chapter 20: Ponyboy's Announcement

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~Time skip to after school the next day~

I've been stressed out all day because I'm afraid of how Johnny will react when he finds out about Pony and Cherry. I can handle rejections, but I don't know about Johnny. My stomach turns when Ponyboy comes home from the library wearing a huge grin. He runs straight to his and Sodapop's room and shuts the door behind him. He squeals like a little girl, thinking we can't hear him. The entire gang and I chuckle.

"What's got him all excited?" Asks Two-bit.

"Probably a girl." Says Soda, and Johnny's expression goes blank. He stares at the floor and it breaks my heart to see him upset.

After about five minutes Pony comes out of his bedroom. All of us but Johnny laugh and joke about his squeal. Pony's cheeks turn red with embarrassment. "You guys heard that?" he asks shyly. He walks to the center of the living room and faces all of us.

"I have an announcement." He says proudly. "I have a date for the winter formal! And she asked me! Can you believe it guys?! A girl actually likes me!"

Everyone but Johnny and I congratulate Ponyboy. Johnny's expression keeps getting sadder and sadder and I even see a tear run down his cheek.

"So who is she?" asks Steve.

"Cherry Valance" answers Pony.

"No!" Shouts Johnny and everyone quickly turns to look at him with confused expressions on their faces. Oh no...

"What was that Johnny?" asks Pony.

"I said no."

"Why no?"

"Because you can't go to the dance with Cherry."

"And why is that?"

"Because... because..."

"You can't go to the dance with Cherry because you don't have a suit." I cut in. "Once you get a nice sharp suit you can go with her." Nobody believes my lie.

"It sounds like Johnnycake has a crush on Cherry to me!" Exclaims Dallas.

"I do not have a crush on Cherry Valance!" Says Johnny defensively.

"Well, the only other logical explanation would be that you have a crush on Pony!" Jokes Dallas and Johnny goes silent. Dally realizes that his accusation may have been right and asks "Johnny? Are you gay?". The rest of the gang looks at each other with oh shit expressions on their faces.

"No. I-I'm not gay." Says Johnny quietly.

"You sure about that buddy?" questions Dally.

"Y-yeah." Says Johnny, "I'm definitely sure. I'm straight. I have a girlfriend." Oh, Johnny what did you do?

"Really? Who is she?" Asks Pony curiously.

"Yeah, who is she?" Adds Darry.

"Oh uh... She... She asked that our relationship stays a secret." Johnny lies.

"Oh come on Johnny! We're your friends! Tell us who she is!" Encourages Sodapop.

"My girlfriend is... My girlfriend is..." Poor Johnny! I've got to help him...

"Come on Johnny spit it out!" Yells Ponyboy who is starting to get annoyed with him.

"Um..." Johnny goes pale.

"It's me!" I yell "I'm Johnny's girlfriend!".

What did I get myself into?

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