Chapter 1

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DISCLAIMER: This was written before the series release when not all information about the characters/universe was public knowledge, and therefore not everything will be canonical. Pretend it's an alternate universe or something please and thank you 💕


There are lewd scenes in this book. There are raunchy scenes, risqué dialogue, and some of Al being a horny little shxt at times. (Before you come at me saying 'but he's asexual'- I know. I am too. Hear me out.)
Asexuality is a spectrum, first of all- and doesn't automatically mean repulsed or averted to the activity itself.
That being said I *do* realize this particular way of writing him is out of character canonically. And I am in no way shape or form trying to invalidate or dismiss anyone's preferences (or lack there of)- be it his, or mine, or yours.
I just like writing smut lol and this is a fantasy anyway.
Any scenes that depict detailed NSFW scenes will have a warning either before it starts or right at the very start of the chapter. No shame if you don't want to read the hedonism. It's totally fair, valid, and understandable! Smut scenes are (almost) never vital to the plot in my work for that reason, and you won't miss anything important from the story if you skip them.
Just wanted to give a fair warning to those who are new to my work!! With that being said, ladies and gents: Enjoy the tale~!



You groaned, the sound breaking the silence as you slammed the bedroom door behind you.

You flung your purse onto the floor and flopped down onto your bed, landing face first and probably smudging your makeup against the sheets. You couldn't care less about that, however. Today was a day from Hell. One of many, in fact.

But hopefully the worst was behind you. Perhaps a few bumps in the road in the near future, but, you'd cross that bridge when you got to it. You were just happy you were finally home and could put this seemingly endless day to rest; but even so, this blanket of stress weighed on you as much as you tried to shirk it. So with a heavy sigh, you rolled over onto your side and hugged one of your fluffiest pillows.

"End my suffering." You muttered dramatically to yourself. "Rid me of this draining existence."  The flame of agitation you felt was then fueled as your phone started ringing. You've gotta be KIDDING ME-

"Hellooooo~?" You sang in your best impression of cheery friendliness you could have possibly offered as you answered the call. (Years of costumer service helped you perfect that fake-as-plastic-happy attitude, thankfully you kissed that job goodbye a long time ago.)

"Y/n!! Where are you, the party started twenty minutes ago!"

Shit. You sat up and looked at the time, then pinched the bridge of your nose in agitation, stifling a groan. "Jess I'm sorry I really don't feel up to it tonight. I'm still stressing about the move and you would not believe the day I ha-"

"You're gonna bail on your friends birthday, after you already didn't turn up last year, because that asshole of an ex wouldn't let you go?"

Ouch... That stung.

You silently mouthed the word 'wow' at the harshness of your friends words. But, she had a point, as much as you hated to admit it. You said that you were going to go and gave them your word, yet here you were trying to cancel plans again. You must have been quiet for a bit longer than you realized because your friend spoke up again.

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