Chapter 9

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You stood by your kitchen counter hoisting up a large plastic cauldron, and began setting up various bottles of alcohol, juices, as well as candy, a large bag of ice and freshly cut up fruit. Jell-o shots were currently chilling in the fridge, and you had The Addams Family playing on the TV in the living room; half tuning in to it here and there, but mostly just had it on for background noise.

You had currently just finished putting together your attire for the evening, adorning a version of your signature costume; a clown (a/n: lmao sorry if you hate clowns). Black and white striped form-fitting jeans with a strapless black corseted top; flaunting your figure. Black and white fingerless gloves, along with orange and black -rather pretty- themed makeup. Completed with spatters of fake blood along your chest, shoulders, a little on your face  and even a hand print on your neck.

You had to water down the look from how it was at your old job unfortunately, due to one of your friends having a strong distaste for clowns. But, it was your house and your party so you were going to dress how you wanted. Besides, you looked fine as hell.

It was about 6 o clock, and as you were opening the bag of ice you wondered when Alastor was going to show up. You didn't know why, but you had a strong hunch he had going to be earlier than everybody else. More of a sense than a hunch.

Almost as if on cue, you had poured half the bag of ice into the cauldron and you heard that familiar, static filled chuckle coming from behind you. It almost sent a chill down your spine the way he snuck up on you like that.


You smiled softly and turned to look at him. He looked like a cross between his human alter-ego and his usual state. Ears and antlers atop his head although not actively flicking about like usual, a smidge shorter than he usually stood but still on the taller side, deep, dark brown eyes and mocha brown skin instead of pale ivory. And of course, his pinstriped suit. You had to admit... He was quite attractive, even for a demon.

"Hiya." You greeted him. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to admire you in your costume." He grinned, walking over to you and placing a large, lidded pot of food carefully on the stove. "Forgive me, but it leans more toward pretty than scary, for having worked in a Halloween attraction with it."

You smirked and started unscrewing all the bottles in front of you. "That's because Eric, who you'll meet later, can't stand clowns. This is a diluted version of how I used to look." You looked over at him as he stood beside you, his never ending smile softening as you met his gaze. "What are you supposed to be, a handsome devil?"

He chuckled and his smile widened. "I was going to say a dapper wendigo, but, I like that better."

You smirked and nodded. "Care to help me pour these bottles in?" You asked, gesturing to the vast array of liquids on your counter. "Please?"

His eyes widened slightly as he really looked at the amount of alcohol. "All of them?"

You nodded. "Yep you got that right, then the juice and soda."

"That's," he paused and quietly counted up to 3 bottles out loud before he merely mouthed the rest of the numbers, "seven bottles of booze. Are you trying to kill your guests?" He snickered before taking a bottle of flavored vodka and helping you pour them into the caldron.

"Nope, they just like to party, and the ice is gonna water it down anyway." You smirked. "What'd you end up making? It smells delicious." You commented.

"Gumbo my dear! I figured it'd be nice what with the weather being a bit chilly here, could help warm peoples spirits!" He chuckled at his own pun, you both finishing with the bottles and he eyed you as you reached for a bag of candy. "I don't know how you can drink this with all of that added sugar."

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