Chapter 28

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(A/n: *deep inhale* I have no words for this. Lol. I have been teetering back and forth with a concept and this sorta leaked out from it.)

~~~~~~~~~dream sequence~~~~~~~~~

Alastor walked off in direction of the hotel you two were staying in, irritated beyond measure that passerby cost him his meal. 'Shit. Fucking SHIT.'

He was starving. He had a light dinner while he was out with you, on account of he was planning on catching himself a little midnight snack later on.

One thing occurred to him on these little trips you would take together. The more touristy the place, the easier it was to get away with collecting victims. Or in this case, an on-the-go meal.

He had been out for quite a while, at least an hour or so. You were back at the hotel, presumably watching TV and waiting for his return. Blissfully unaware of what he was up to. It hadn't been a long search, but it felt like it as his hunger continued to gnaw at him, not having much luck in finding some poor soul by their lonesome that he could lure away. As he strolled around the area he had finally found himself upon a stranger, drunken and stumbling in a stupor. By himself, virtually nobody else around. His smile widened, as he pushed the fringe of his hair out of his eyes and casually approached the man.

Deciding this should be a piece of cake he carefully walked him to a nearby alley. Dark, hidden, just perfect... As the drunkard was slumped over by the brick wall of a building Alastor had bared his fangs, revealing two rows of razor sharp teeth. Moments away from filleting this man and feasting upon him. Only to be interrupted by a backdoor opening from one of the buildings near by, a line cook from a restaurant who had stepped out for a smoke break.

'Son of a bitch.'

Alastor nonchalantly stepped away from the stranger and made sure he wasn't going to fall over where he stood, then stopped in his stride to turn to the man smoking. "Mind if I snag one of those from you?" He asked politely, referring to the lit stoge in the gentleman's hand.

He obliged, pulling out a pack of marlboro reds from his pants pocket and handed Al one.

"Need a light too?" The man asked, closing the pack and placing it back in his pocket and taking a drag.

"No, thank you." He stated flatly, pulling out a zippo and lighting his own. The cigarette hung loosely in the corner of Al's mouth as smoke poured out from between his lips. "Keep an eye on that man, will you? I believe he had a few too many and doesn't remember where his hotel is."

Without wanting to get into an in depth conversation he turned on his heels and left the scene, making his way back to you. Frustration brewing within that he tried to shirk. Ah well. Perhaps when he arrived back, some fun with you would satisfy another craving. After all it was getting late, and he told you he'd be back soon. If you weren't expecting him he would've stayed out even later and try again on some other poor fellow.

Making his way through the lobby and up several stories via elevator, he rushed off to be with you. A calm, neutral smile on his face. But if he were being honest, there was very little anything calm within him. Inside he was ravenous. Anxious to feel, yearning for some sort of release to quench at least one of his primal needs. He walked down the hallway that led to your shared hotel room, it seemed to stretch on forever as he hurried along. Speed walking down the hall, hearing his shoes thumping gently along the brown carpeted floor.

Finally, he reached the last room on the right. He pulled the room key from out of his pocket and unlocked the door.

He turned the handle on the door and pushed it open, stepping inside almost silently. You were standing by the bed, seemingly just taken a shower. A white towel that barely covered you wrapped around your bodice as you finger-combed your dampened hair. Turning to face the sound of the door shutting, you smiled softly at him.

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