Chapter 6

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A few days had passed, and there was no sign of Alastor. You were beginning to convince yourself that you had imagined the whole ordeal.

The necklace he gave you was the only tangible reminder that it all took place, and even that was questionable. You were half wondering if you found it in one of the boxes and pocketed it absentmindedly, and just made up the whole deal with a demon thing in your head. You hoped you had imagined it, anyway.

No matter, with no heads or tails of the demonic deer you began to resume life as usual and carried on. Having had your number changed so ex/n couldn't bother you, gone to NYC for a day for a photoshoot, Jess and Eric had come along with you for the trip (and because you never go to a shoot alone) and you even began to make plans for a housewarming party to celebrate this new phase of your life. For the first time in a couple of years you could take a deep breath and sigh of relief, with a genuine smile on your face. You were starting to feel like yourself again.

Today you woke up to the sound of rain gently tapping on your bedroom window and the roof above you, you smiled a little against your pillow and listened to the soft pattering. It almost lulled you back to sleep. Another rainy fall day, you couldn't complain. You didn't mind a relaxing day inside, doing whatever your heart desired as the grey clouds loomed out your window, making the colorful leaves pop out even more in contrast as the trees rustled and swayed from the wind. You were halfway between wakefulness and sleep when you felt your cat spring up onto the bed and walk on your stomach, meowing persistently.

You laughed tiredly and opened your eyes to find him maybe six inches from your face, those light green eyes staring back at you and a peek of his pink tongue was adorably hanging out. "Hungry?" You asked.


You chuckled and rubbed your tired eyes. "Figures."

You got out of bed and trudged out into the kitchen, not even bothering to get out of your pajamas yet, and got a plate of wet food situated for Binx. You pat him on the head as he noisily eat and began brewing up a pot of coffee before heading back over to your bedroom.

You pulled out a clean pair of clothes and set them aside on your bed, before undressing out of your pajamas and tossing those in the hamper. Deciding a shower was in order, you meandered over to your bathroom.

As you were showering and humming to yourself a song that had been in your head, Alastor had manifested into your world again. More specifically, your bedroom. He figured he had nothing too important going on that morning, and noted how you hadn't summoned him at all since the first night he met you. He was worried something might have happened to his new source of entertainment while he was gone, and it would be unfortunate if his visits on earth this time around were so fleeting if that were the case.

He looked about your room and saw no glance of you, however his ear flicked in your direction as he heard the shower running. He shrugged to himself and decided to wait until you were finished. He stalked about your room, eyeing your belongings that had now been set up and put away now that you had almost finished unpacking. His ear flicked again when he heard you go from humming to singing softly to yourself.

"My hearts a stereo, it beats for you so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every note, oh oh~"

He looked over at your door and chuckled as he listened to you, his smile growing wider as he continued to take a gander around your room until the water shut off. He was busy eyeing a picture of you and your friends as you were still in the bathroom now brushing your teeth, having noticed you and the other girls in the photo were mainly wearing lingerie as if it was some boudoir photoshoot. 'My, you're fit for the cover of playboy my dear, if you wanted to.' He chuckled to himself.

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