Chapter 54

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"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine... You make me happy when skies are grey..."

Alastor cradled you in his arms, humming and singing ever so softly to try and calm your nerves. Your tears had ceased falling minutes ago but you had dissociated for quite some time. Not feeling one with your own body for a while; you had even been unresponsive to Alastor's attempts of gaining your attention. He had taken the liberty of cleaning the blood off of your hands with a wet rag, he would tend to your clothes when you were lucid.

He wasn't about to attempt to remove your clothes while you were out of sorts. Especially with everything that had happened this evening leading up to now.

"You'll never know dear how much I love you... Please don't take my sunshine away~"

He felt you take a deep breath and watched as you blinked owlishly. Your glossy eyes becoming more lively as your tear-soaked lashes fluttered. You leaned into his touch as you felt him daintily brush your hair out of your face; tucking the crimson stained locks behind your ears.

"My parents would be so mad at me." You murmured.

"Darling, I think in regards to your safety and well-being they'd be willing to forgive you."Alastor gently insisted. He couldn't help but release a soft laugh at your remark. A valid point, he thought the same thing about his mother when he really dove into his murderous habits.

"I killed somebody in cold blood..."

"You mutilated him, really." He added. "It was quite a spectacle to witness."

"Thank you, Alastor." You murmured sarcastically. "Wait, you just watched it happen? I didn't see you there..."

"I didn't see what led up to it or else you wouldn't have even had that issue in the first place. I was about to come over and help when I saw you lunge after him. But when I saw you had it under control I couldn't help but marvel at the display." He admitted. "Plus you had this look on your face, I... Didn't want to get in your way."

"So... you're not disappointed in me?" You asked quietly, hugging your knees to your chest as you curled up in a ball. Trying to comfort yourself after everything that had just happened. "I'm not your dose of innocence anymore..."

"Far from disappointed." He insisted, keeping his arms around you and hugging you close to him. Rocking you gently. "If we're being honest my dear, I'm quite impressed with your improvised method. I almost pulled out a lawn chair and some popcorn if it had not been urgent to clear the scene of evidence and attention."

You shrugged weakly and let out a faint chuckle. "You did say I was a natural."

"I don't believe you wanted to hear that, though." He said. "Y/n I'm sorry that happened to you, and I'm sorry I wasn't there with you to make sure you were safe... I can't help but feel like this is my fault."

"It's not your fault people suck, Alastor." You said quietly. "It was gonna be me or some other poor girl. Someone who wouldn't have been as lucky."

"Would you consider capacity to murder as 'lucky'?" He asked.

"Beats the alternative..." you sighed. "I'm hungry, can we dig into that food already, please?"

"You have an appetite after what just happened?" Al asked, feeling a slight sense of surprise at your willingness to shrug it off.

"Not eating isn't gonna bring him back." You shrugged. "So, please?"

"Who am I to deny my love her food?" He chuckled, getting up from the bed and going over to retrieve the to-go boxes of entrees and appetizers. And, of course, the bottle of wine.

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