Chapter 27

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*burp* "Oh goodness, excuse me."

Alastor chuckled softly to himself, pulling a handkerchief from his coat pocket and wiped off his mouth and hands. "Between raw humans and chicken wings, I'm not sure which is messier!" He looked down at his apparel and sighed heavily, looking at the corroded blood that stained the front of his suit.

"Well I can't go back to her looking like this, now, can I?" He hummed, looking over at his shadows that were busy dismembering the carcass that was ex/n's body. The shell that was left of him, anyway. Some things were sent back to Al's manor back in hell, the parts that he preferred more when cooked and prepared. Parts like the heart, the liver, a few ribs and even the brain were all sent to his cellar where they'd be kept cool for the time being.

Ex/n's teeth had been pulled, and placed in a small jar with a cork top on it; just as a little trophy that Alastor wanted to keep for himself. He chuckled with satisfaction as he gently tossed the jar up above his head, catching it, and then sent it away to his manor with his powers. Then with the snap of his fingers, his suit was now clean of any evidence of what had happened here. You had been through enough today, he thought you didn't need to see him wearing your ex's entrails let alone know about what had happened.

If you asked, he'd tell you it was a topic for another time.

Alastor looked up and saw that the sky had now gone completely dark, leaving a sea of stars above him as he looked up past the trees. "I should head back to her."

He then turned to look at the shadows that tended to the corpse. "I want there to be absolutely zero proof leftover of what happened here. That goes for his vehicle as well, if it's still around." He ordered. "The last thing we need is reasons for the feds to poke their heads around here."

The shadows smiled widely and nodded, and Alastor turned on his heels. Walking briskly back to your abode. The newly falling snow quickly mounting, and covering his tracks as he stepped onward. Soon the site of your house came quickly into view, his walk becoming more of a jog as he approached.

Kicking any snow off his shoes at the doormat, he slowly opened the door.

Upon entering he could see you still laying on the couch. Curled up on your side, seeming quite dissociative as you stared off into space with a numb expression. Alastor's shadow was still sitting with you, petting your hair and watching over you.

"Darling?" He asked gently. You blinked and looked up at him. Your eyes not looking as void of emotion as they did a moment ago, however contained a fair amount of sadness. That rush and satisfaction he felt a moment ago was quickly fleeting as he took a closer look at you. Being replaced by a strong sense of remorse on your behalf. He could only imagine what you must be feeling right now.

"Alastor?" You rasped, a single tear falling down the bridge of your nose from how you were laying, wanting nothing more than to curl up to him right now. But you were afraid to move, the discomfort from the struggle had set in as you were no longer in shock. You wanted to cry, but you knew the act would make your head hurt even worse.

"Fetch her some water." He said to his shadow, then looked back down at you as he crouched down closer to you. The shadow obeyed and floated off to the kitchen. "Can you stand up for me, sweetheart?"

You took a deep breath, hitching in your throat as you tried to hoist yourself back up to a seating position. Al observed you closely, taking your hand in his as you slowly pulled yourself up; when another dizzy spell hit you.

"Ohhhh shit." You murmured, the room starting to spin. "Al, I'm dizzy."

"I've got you, my dear." He said. He wrapped his arm around your waist and let you lean against him for support. "Are you alright?"

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