26: Fireflies

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y/n pov

"Y/n I'm picking you up, i'm right down the road" Stiles says calling me. 

"What? Why? it's like 1 in the morning i'm-" I say before I hear the phone hang up. I sigh. God he's annoying. I get out of bed and throw on a jacket and some slippers. I didn't bother changing out of my pajamas. I walk out of the house slowly. I see Stiles Jeep come to a haulting stop. He rolls down the window. 

"Hurry up, get in the car" He says. I walk a little faster and get in. 

"What's up, why did you pick me up?" I ask buckling up as he sped off. 

"I have a theory, and I need some help thinking it out and proving it" He says. 

"Why didn't you ask Lydia, she's like smarter than anyone else in our school" I say. 

"She's not available" He says. 

"Could you tell me what you're theory is?" I ask. 

"You'll see" He says. 

"Where are we even going?" I ask. 

"To the hospital" Stiles says. 

"Please don't tell me there is another body" I say. He was silent. 

"Stiles" I yell.

"What? You said not to tell you" Stiles says. I groan as we pull up. We rushes out of the car. I follow behind him as he speed walks over to Melissa. 

"Hey" Stiles says. 

"Hey" She says smiling at me and him. 

"Over here, and if you tell anyone I showed you this, I swear to god I will kill you both painfully and slowly" Melissa says. 

"What?" I whisper. 

"Why do you want to show me a body i've already seen?" Stiles asks. So even he didn't know what is happening. 

"Because you haven't seen everything" Melissa says. She takes us to the morge. She pulls out a dead body, he was male, he looked younger. It was hard to look at I was so disgusted. But I held myself together, better than I have before. 

"See this around his neck? That's a ligature mark, that means he was strangled with something like cord, rope-" Melissa says. 

"Ah, okay, wait a second what kind of werewolf strangles someone? you know that's not very werewolf-y" Stiles asks. 

"I don't think they do" I say. 

"My thoughts exactly" Melissa says. 

"Then there's this" Melissa walks over and grabs his head lifting it up. A giant gash mark was there. I quickly turn away putting a hand over my mouth. 

"God, what is that? Is that brain matter? Yeah it's brain matter, of course" Stiles asks looking away.  

"I'm fine, dang that is something else" I say turning back around with digust on my face. I tried not to look at his head and just at Melissa. 

"See the identation?" She asks. 

"Kinda hard not to" I say disgusted. 

"He was hit in the back of the head, hard enough to kill him, in fact any one of these things could have killed him, I mean someone seriously wanted this poor kid dead" Melissa says. 

"Alright so this couldn't have been Boyd or Cora, you know? They wouldn't have done all that. So maybe this is just one murder, I mean maybe it's a random coincidence" Stiles says. 

"I don't think it was just one" Melissa says. 

"How come?" Stiles asks. 

"Because that girl over there, she's got the exact same injuries" Melissa says. Stiles and I turn towards where Melissa is looking. It was another dead body. Melissa walks over and uncovers the cloth on the girls head. She looks familiar. 

I wish I was her(Stiles x reader)Where stories live. Discover now