14: Ice Pick

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We were in P.E. class rock climbing. I was afraid of heights so no way in hell did i want to do this. But coach wanted me to go first. I got into the harness, some other dude got into his. We started to climb but I felt myself shaking. I look down and see how far up I am. I take a deep breath before jumping down.

"l/n! Your supposed to go all the way up" Coach yells. I give Coach a look before taking myself out of the harness. I walk over to Stiles.

"You did well" He says wrapping an arm around my shoulder. 

"Thanks" I sigh crossing my arms watching person after person get to the top. It was Stiles turn next. He went with this girl named Erica. She looked scared as well so I talked to her.

"Hey, you'll be alright" I say putting a hand on her shoulder. She gives me a slight smile before going to the wall. I watch as Stiles does a great job. He got up and down quickly. The girl though was starting to cry. I push through the people to get to the front. She was having a panic attack.

"Erica? Dizzy?" Coach says. 

"Please she's just freaking out" Lydia says.

"Erica" Coach says. 

"I'm fine" She says. I was really worried for her. 

"Coach maybe it's not safe you know she's epileptic" I say. 

"Why does nobody tell me these things" He says.

"Erica your fine, just kick off the wall, there's a mat to catch you" Coach says. She kicks off the wall.

"See your fine, shake it off, your fine" Coach says. I felt bad everyone was laughing at her. I went into the locker room to change. I see Erica leave. I put on a sweatshirt, Stiles' sweatshirt over my tank top and shorts and walk out of the locker room, into the gym. I see her climbing the wall. I didn't say anything cause I didn't want to startle her. I see Scott running into the gym. I look over to see Erica falling to the ground. She was having a seizure. I quickly run over as well. Scott caught her. Stiles and I kneel down by Scott and her. 

"Put her on her side" I say. 

"How did you know" Allison asks. I see Scott holding Erica's hand. I look up at Stiles worried. 

"I just felt it" Scott says. People then come and take her to the hospital. 

The next day at lunch

I sat down next to Scott. Stiles comes over.

"Got um, I'll pick you up after work and we'll meet at the rink cool?" Stiles says. 

"What about me" I say.

"You know your coming home with me after school" He says.

"I know I just wanted to feel included" I say. Stiles smiles and rolls his eyes at me. I look over at Scott to see him staring at something. I look over at where he is staring to see Erica! She was completely different. She had on high heels, a mini skirt and a leather jacket. 

"What the holy hell is that" Lydia says. I jump a little. 

"It's Erica" Scott says. The boys then get up and follow her. I sigh and get up to follow them. We walk outside to see Erica get into a car with Derek. Why is she with Derek? School went by and now I was at Stiles' place. I put on one of his flannels over my outfit. 

"Do you always have to take my clothes" He says.

"Yes I do" I say laying on his bed. We did our homework and soon enough it was dark and it was time to pick Scott up. We pull up to the skating rink. I was sitting by Stiles and Lydia as we put on skates. 

I wish I was her(Stiles x reader)Where stories live. Discover now