9: Wolf's Bane/Co-Captain

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I see the guys across the hallway. I walk over to them. 

"Hey guys" I say. They look over at me.

"Hey" They say. They went silent before Stiles walks away. What did I do? Next thing I know Scott is gone too. All morning they had been ignoring me. They wouldn't even sit by me at lunch.

"Hey y/n? why aren't you sitting by Stiles and Scott" Allison sits next to me at lunch.

"They won't talk to me" I say. I look over at them. They were talking like normal as Stiles stuffs his face with tots. Lydia then sits across from Allison.

"What happened?" Allison asks.

"I-I don't know" I say getting a little mad. 

"I'm sorry sweetie" Lydia says. I look down at my food feeling too sick to eat anything. 

"I need to know what the hell I did" I say getting up. I storm over to the boys. 

"Why is your problem with me today" I say. They look up at me.

"What do you mean?" Scott says.

"You have been ignoring me all morning long! What did i do" I say.

"Nothing y/n nothing, it's just Derek he-" Stiles says.

"You are going to listen to Derek, what did he say? To ignore me?" I say. I was getting a little pissed off.

"No he asked us not to get you involved" Scott says.

"I'm already involved, I know everything" I say. Stiles sighs.

"Derek said he didn't want you getting hurt" Scott says. Why does Derek care if I get hurt.

"He isn't my father he can't tell me what to do" I say. 

"I told you she should help us, we need her Scott" Stiles says. He whined just a little bit. It was a little funny to watch. 

"Don't tell Derek" Scott says. I smile. I sit down next to them. 

"Now, what is our mission today" I say.

"We have to get Allison's necklace for Derek" Stiles says.

"How do we do that? She will never take that thing off and why the hell are we always doing things for Derek" I say.

"Exactly" Stiles says before shoving food in his face. I look over at Scott. He looked a little mad.

"Jackson is talking to me, he knows" Scott says. I look over to see Jackson smirking at us.

"Act normal like you don't know" Stiles says. Overtime Scott got more and more mad. It drew attention to us when Scott slammed his tray down. The bell then rang and we went through the rest of the school day. In the afternoon I just did my homework. I head over to the game where Stiles is first line! You don't know how proud I am of him. I walk over to Scott.

"Hey Scotty boy where's Stiles" I say. 

"He's going to be late, he's acting weird" Scott says. 

"What? he would never miss this what is up with him" I ask. 

"I don't know y/n" Scott says.

"L/N! Get away from my star player" Coach yells at me.

"Sorry" I say walking over to Lydia and sit by her.

"You guys made up" Lydia smiles. I nod. I play with the hem of my hoodie. Stiles' hoodie. I kept it. 

"What's up with you" She asks.

I wish I was her(Stiles x reader)Where stories live. Discover now