17: Frenemy

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We just found out that Jackson is the kanima. We are searching the whole town for him to make sure nobody gets killed and to try to stop this from ever happens again. Stiles, Scott and I jump into the Jeep and speed down to where Derek is. There was something on the ground that could stop Stiles's Jeep and pop the tires. Scott quickly gets out of the car and jumps over the fence. 

"We will walk around then" I say, Stiles and I get out of the car and find a way to get to where Scott is. We lost him so we went into Stiles' Jeep to find him. We see Scott standing by a gay bar. We sneak up on Scott.

"What-" Scott says scared.

"Sorry, did you see where he went" Stiles says.

"I lost him" Scott says.

"What, you couldn't catch his scent" I say. 

"I don't think he has one" Scott says. 

"Alright, any clue on where he's going" Stiles asks. 

"To kill someone" Scott says. We know that Scotty.

"Ah, that explains all the claws and fangs and that it makes perfect sense now" Stiles says sarcastically. Scott and I both give him a look.

"What? guys come on i'm 147 pounds of pale white skin and fragile bone okay, sarcasm is my only defense" Stiles says. I laugh.

"Just help me find him" Scott says. 

"I'm off the hook see you guys later" I say. Stiles quickly snatches my waist as I walk away.  

"You are helping too" He says arm still wrapped around my waist which I take off of me. 

"Come on i'm tired" I whine. 

"Y/n we really need your help" Scott says giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, fine but stop looking at me like that" I say pushing Scott's face away from me. The boys start talking about the kanima. I really didn't care about Jackson. I mean I feel bad he's this monster but it's Jackson. I don't really care. 

"Uh, guys" Stiles says tapping me on the shoulder. I see him looking up so I follow his eyes to see where he is looking. I see the kanima. 

"See that?" I say still looking up. 

"He's inside" Scott says. 

"What's he going to do in there" Stiles says. Kill someone. 

"I know who he is after" Scott says. I look to see where he is looking. I see Danny. 

"What how, did you smell something?" Stiles asks.

"Armani" Scott says, we go into the back to see if we could get in. Stiles tries to open the door but it wouldn't budge. He starts to say things about where else we could get into but Scott opens the door. You know, werewolf strength. We then enter the bar to see flashing lights and loud music. 

"Dude everyone in here is a dude, other than you" Scott says. 

"I think were in a gay club" Scott says.

"Man nothing gets past those teen werewolf senses huh, Scott" Stiles says. I follow the boys to the bar.

"Two beers please" Stiles says. 

"I.D." The man says. He laughs at their I.D.s.

"How about a coke" The man says.

"Rum and coke sure" Stiles says before nodding his head to the music looking like a dumbass.

"Coke is fine for them" I say. The man nods to me. A shirtless man gives the guys there coke.

"That one's paid for" The guy says to Scott. We look over to see a man wave at Scott. Scott smiles at Stiles.

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