23: Master Plan

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I stood in the locker room with Scott, Isaac, and Mr.Stilinski. I was internally freaking out. Jackson is dead. He's dead! Stiles is gone! He's missing, and I don't know what to do. It was a lot going on. 

"I got to meet with the medical examiner and try to figure out what happened with Jackson, i've got a APB out on Stiles, His Jeep is still in the parking lot so that means-" Mr.Stilinski was saying. 

"Well I don't know what that means-look if he answers his phone, his emails, if any of you see him-" Mr.Stilinski says.

"We'll call you" Isaac cuts him off. 

"Look he's probably just freaked out from all the attention or something, we'll find him" Scott says.  

"Yeah, i'll see you okay" Mr.Stilinski says. He squeezes my arm and gives me a soft smile before leaving. Coach comes over and talks to Scott. 

"Isaac" I whisper.

"Yeah" He says.

"I'm scared-" I say. He holds my arms and rubs them cutting me off. 

"You have nothing to be scared of, we will protect you" Isaac says.

"No, it's not like that, I'm scared for Stiles" I say.

"Don't worry about him, we will find him" Isaac says. I nod and look down.  

"Is that everyone?" Scott asks. 

"I think so" Isaac says walking forward a bit to see. I look over to see Scott breaking the locker door off and grabbing Stiles' stuff.

"Your going to find him by scent?" Isaac says.

"Yeah we both are" Scott says. 

"How come you get his shirt and I get his shoe" Isaac says. Scott ignores him and stares off. I look over to see Derek. 

"We need to talk" Derek says. I look up at Scott and Issac confused. 

"All of us" Peter says. I take a deep breath in. No how is he alive. 

"Holy shit" Scott says. I stare into Peter's eyes. Those eyes haunt me at night. He attacked me. twice. I hold onto my wrist that was perviously broken. I was freaking out. But I had to look strong. 

"What the hell is this" Scott says pulling me behind him.  

"You know I thought the same thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the sheriff's station" Derek says. 

"Okay hold on, he threatened to kill my mom and I had to get close to him what was I supposed to do" Scott says. 

"I'm going to have to with Scott on this one, have you seen his mom she's gorgeous" Peter says. I give Peter a disgusted look. 

"Shut up" They say. 

"Who is he" Isaac says. 

"He's Peter, Derek's uncle, little while back he tried to kill us all and we set him on fire and Derek slashed his throat" Scott says.

"Hi" Peter says.

"That's good to know" Issac says. He looked nervous. 

"How is he alive" I question.

"The pretty one finally talks, I thought you were just going to give me dirty looks all night" Peter smirks. I turn away from him clenching my jaw. 

"Look the short version is he knows how to stop Jackson and maybe how to save him" Derek says. Scott, Isaac and I all look at each other.

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