5: The Tell

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Stiles told me that last night there was a murder at the video store. He went there with his dad and that Lydia and Jackson were there. It was a little scary thinking that could happen to any of us. We are in chemistry class now. I was sitting next to Stiles as he highlighted the paragraphs. It was kinda cute when he was so focused.

"Has anyone seen Scott McCall" The teacher says looking at Stiles and I. Jackson walks in before I could answer. I watch as the teacher whispers to Jackson. It's probably about what happened last night.

"Everyone start reading chapter nine, Mr. Stilinski try putting down the highlighter down between paragraphs, it's chemistry not a coloring book" The teacher calls him out. I laugh a little not just because he was called out but because he has the highlighter cap in his mouth. He looks so stupid. 

"What are you laughing at" Stiles smiles at me spitting the cap out.

"Nothing" I smile before starting to read. Stiles then starts asking Danny questions. I then see Stiles fall a little.

"What are you doing" I say to him as he sits down.

"Just asking Danny what happened last night" He says. 

"You were there, why didn't you ask your dad" I say looking down at my book.

"He was a little mad at me for pointing out a dead body" He says.

"Think before you talk Stiles" I laugh a little the teacher then shuts us up. The day went on boring as always. I walked out of class with stiles as he calls Scott.

"Finally! Where have you been! Have you been getting any of my texts" Stiles says. 

"Do you have any idea what's going on" Stiles says. I hate when they are on the phone. I check the time to see I have to get to the library.

"Stiles, I gotta go to your picking me up" I say. He nods and waves before I rush off to study. This is the only way my grades stay good. I take school very seriously. 

"Your boyfriend has details about what happened to Lydia and Jackson right?" one of the girls in the library says. 

"One Stiles isn't my boyfriend and two why the hell would I tell you that" I say grabbing a book off of the shelf.

"Come on you need to tell us" Another girl says.

"No you guys leave me alone" I say. This one girl. I don't know why she hates my guts but she always bothers me. Her name is Layla. I have never told the guys about her. They don't need to hear about some girl who just says some mean things. 

"Hey nerd" Layla smiles taking the books from my hand. 

"I'm not telling youanything" I say grabbing the book from her hand. I hear her scoff. 

"We just want some details, if you tell us nothing bad will happen" Layla says. I keep walking ignoring her. I hear her following me. 

"Don't ignore me nerd" She says as I put the books on the front desk and walk out. 

"Hey" Layla caught up to me and pushes me against the wall. I wince as my back hits he brick wall hard. 

"You know I hate using violence to get what I want but i'm really going to need the information on Jackson and Lydia" Layla says. 

"Why do you even want to know" I scoff at her. She grabs my arms and pushes me against the wall again. I close my eyes wincing. 

"That's my business" She says. 

"Sorry but i'm not telling you anything" I say. She pushes me to the ground. She goes to kick me in the stomach but I quickly move out of the way before getting up. 

"Get back here" She yells as I run towards the bathroom. I get into the bathroom, I was freaking out at this point. I stand in front of the mirror and start to cry. She have never gotten physical with me before. I reached for my phone in my bag but I couldn't breathe I was having a panic attack. I was sobbing, I felt my chest burning. I fall to the ground holding myself. I had to think about something else, Stiles he makes me happy, think about him in class today with the highlighter. After a few minutes it stopped and I calmed myself down. I grabbed my phone and called Stiles to pick me up. He picked me about 20 minutes after i called.

"Hey" Stiles says pulling up. 

"Hey" I say getting into the car, I buckled up. I didn't say anything. 

"What happened" He asks knowing something was wrong. 

"I'm fine" I say tucking my knees into my chest and putting my head on my knees.

"Are you sure?" He asks driving off.

"Yeah i'm just tired" I say starting to close my eyes. I woke up to a knock, I look to see i'm in Stiles bed. I must have fallen asleep in the car. Stiles and his dad were talking about the parent teacher thing tonight. My parents were supposed to be home but their flight got canceled so i'm all alone again. 

"Sorry to wake you y/n" His dad says.

"It's fine, I needed to get up" I say sitting up. I wince quietly hoping they don't hear. The back of m shoulder was killing me. His dad finsihes talking to him before leaving. I watch as Stiles sighs and taps on his desk. 

"What's on your mind" I say getting out of bed and sitting at the edge of the bed. 

"I found this video on Lydia's phone, Scott isn't answering his phone and I don't know what to do with it" Stiles says. I get up and grab his phone and watch the video. 

"What the hell is that thing" I say. It looked like a bear wolf thing.

"A werewolf" Stiles says.

"Last time I checked Scott didn't look like that when he turns" I say.

"I know, that's why I need his help" Stiles says. He then sits in silence thinking. I could hear the frustration. 

"I'm going to get some water" I say walking out the door. I think he needed some thinking time alone. I went into his kitchen and grabbed some water. I chugged it down and put the cup in the sink. I wish I could do something to help him. I walk back upstairs to see him looking upset.

"I deleted it" He says. 

"Why?" I ask sitting down on his bed.

"I don't know what to do with it, it's Lydia's phone and I don't want her to see that" He sighs. 

"It's okay Stiles, you did what you had to" I say. He then gets up and stands right in front of me. 

"I need a hug" He opens his arms. I smile rolling my eyes and hugging him. I feel him squeeze my shoulder with his arms. I wince and back up. 

"What happened today, I know someone did something" Stiles says. I sit down and look down. He sits down next to me. 

"Some girls have a problem with me, they have never gotten physical until today" I say holding tears back.

"Why did they do this to you" Stiles says.

"I-I don't know, I don't really care" I say getting up.

"You have to tell me these things" Stiles yells. 

"You have too much to deal with! You don't need to know about some random people not liking me" I yell. There was a pause so we could both calm down. 

"Did you tell Scott" Stiles asks.

"No, I didn't even tell my parents" I say about to cry.

"Hey, don't cry" Stiles says calming his voice. He grabs my face gently pulling my face into his shoulder. 

"I'm sorry" I say as tears flow from my eyes. 

"Shh, there is nothing to be sorry for" 

I wish I was her(Stiles x reader)Where stories live. Discover now