6: Heart Monitor

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Stiles told me that his dad got hit by a car. He's fine but Stiles is mad at Scott because he didn't do anything to help his dad and didn't talk to him all day because he was with Allison. I was told not to talk to Scott. Speaking of Scott he walks into class and sits behind Stiles. I was in front of Stiles but I still couldn't hear what they were saying. 

"Okay were good, you may talk to Scott now" Stiles says. I turn a little and smile at both of them. Soon the bell rang. We all then start talking about what Derek wants Scott to do.

"Last time I checked, tapping into your animal side causes you to almost kill people" I say.

"You did throw y/n in the locker room" Stiles says

"I know, but if Derek thinks it will help me i might do it" Scott says. I raise an eyebrow at him. 

"But I have to learn how to control it for him to teach me" Scott says. I nod. It makes sense.

"Alright when are you meeting with Derek" Stiles asks.

"After work today" Scott says.

"That gives me until the end of the school day" Stiles says. I look at him confused.

"To do what?" Scott asks.

"To teach you myself" Stiles says, walking ahead of us. I grab his arm and whisper to him.

"Are you out of your mind, you can't teach him how to be a werewolf! You aren't one" I say.

"Just trust me on this little duckling" Stiles says.

"Fine, and never call me little duckling again" I say. We head over to lunch. As we sat and ate, well as Stiles ate all of his food and my food Scott was hiding from Allison. 

"I think the book makes it super obvious" I say eating a chip. 

"Dude she's reading anyways so put the book down" Stiles says. 

"Did you come up with a plan yet" Scott asks.

"I think so" Stiles says biting into his apple.

"Does that mean you don't hate me now" Scott asks.

"No, but your crap has consumed my life so now I have to do something about it, plus I am definitely a better yoda then Derek" Stiles says. He's still mad I have never watched Star Wars. 

"Okay yeah you teach me" Scott says. He keeps hiding behind the book.

"Yeah i'll be your yoda" Stiles says.

"You will be my yoda" Scott says.

"Your yoda I will be" Stiles says trying to sound like him. I laugh a little. 

"I said it backwards" Stiles says proud of himself.

"Yeah I think we get that yoda" I say to Stiles. Stiles then picked up his stuff grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the lunch room with him. We had free period next so we decided to help Scott with his anger. When I went to meet them on the field I see Scott's arms duct taped. Then I watch as Stiles throws balls at him. One then hit him the face. Then another and some more. I felt someone watching. I turn to see Jackson. Then I see Scott starting to turn. I quickly start walking fast over to Jackson.

"Why are you spying?" I ask him. He jumps a little.

"I wasn't spying" He says.

"Of course your not" I say.

"Shut up" Jackson rolls his eyes.

"Just go Jackson, stop being a creep" I say. He looks at me and then the field before leaving. I walk back to the boys.

I wish I was her(Stiles x reader)Where stories live. Discover now