4: Magic Bullet

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We were sitting in class waiting for our tests to be handed back. Stiles kept bothering Scott. 

"Dude you need to study more" Stiles says to Scott. I look over to see Scott got a D- I got a B+ and Stiles got an A. You could tell Scott was a little angry.

"That was a joke, it's one test you can make it up" I say to Scott. 

"Do you want help studying?" Stiles offers.

"No, i'm studying with Allison after school today" Scott says.

"That's my boy" Stiles says, I shake my head and look at my paper as the boys talk about the study date. The bell rings soon after and school was over. Stiles was driving me home as usual. We get into the car and he starts to pull out of the school parking lot.

"Can you help me study for the English test" I ask.

"Yeah, i'll drop you off at home after were done" Stiles says.  All of the sudden Derek steps in front of the car. Derek then passes out on the ground. I quickly get out of the car and stand by him.

"Derek?" I say 

"What are you doing here" Scott asks to him.

"I was shot" Derek says sitting up a little. 

"He's not looking so good dude" Stiles says.

"Why aren't you healing?" Scott asks. 

"I can't it was a different kind of bullet" Derek says.

"A silver bullet?" Stiles asks.

"No you idiot" Derek growls. I stopped listening trying to think of a way we could help but nothing was popping up. 

"Come on, put him in your car" Scott says picking up Derek. I quickly get in and climb in the back. Derek sat in the front seat and Stiles was in the drivers seat. 

"Get him out of here" Scott says.

"I hate you so much for this" Stiles says driving off.

"I guess that means no studying for English and instead helping a werewolf not die" I say leaning back. 

"Sorry y/n" Stiles says.

"No it's fine" I say. We were going to drive Derek back home. I was in the back doing my homework.

"Has Scott answered yet?" I ask.

"He needs more time" Stiles groans. I look over at Derek who looks like he's in pain. 

"Try not to bleed out all over my seats, were almost there" Stiles says.

"Where" Derek asks.

"Your house" I say.

"No, you can't take me there" Derek says.

"I can't take you to your own house" Stiles says.

"Not when I can't protect myself" Derek says. Stiles then pulls over.

"What happens if Scott can't find your little magic bullet, hm! Are you dying" Stiles says.

"Not yet, I have a last resort" Derek says

"What do you mean last resort" Stiles freaks. 

"Calm it Stiles" I say. Derek then rolls up his sleeve to reveal a nasty looking shot wound.

"Oh my god! What is that" I say covering my eyes. 

"Is that contagious, of you know you should just get out" Stiles says. 

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