Chapter 4: Quality Time with Poseidon

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I opened my eyes and notice that it's already dark.

I check my wrist watch and realise it's already 7:30 in the evening. I yawn and sit up. I also realize that instead of sleeing in my bedroom, I'm here at the pool area and slept in one of the chairs.

I spot Poseidon swimming frolicly in the pool. I stared at him for a full 5 minutes until he finally swam up for air.

"Oh, hello there, Yhanie." he greeted and flashed a very adorable smile at me.

"Hi." I stood up and sat at the side of the pool, dipping my legs into the water. "So... how, are y-you?"

"Fine. I'm fine." he chuckled. "Don't you want to join Vicky and the others inside? They're watching a movie called. Despi... Despe... Desperate Me?"

I laughed. "It's Despicable Me, and it's very funny. I watched it for a million times already so, I'll pass.". He nodded and took my hand again. "Want to go for a swim?"

"With the God of the Sea? Erm. No thank you." I sarcastically said before diving into the water. It was cold because of the night. I shivered a bit but then my body adjusted.

"So... what d'you wanna do?" he grinned and I can't help but let out a little giggle. He's so adorable.

"Swim." I chuckled and took a big gulp of air before submurging underwater. I opened my eyes and saw Poseidon winking at me, creating that bubble thing he used earlier for us to breathe and speak underwater.

"Are we going to that 'parteh'?" he asked after 7 minutes of silence between us. We just closed our eyes and let relaxation dominate us.

"I don't know." I calmly said, not opening my eyes.

I felt movement, but still closed my eyes. "Yhanie.." I opened my eyes and saw Sy at kissing distance away from me.

"Er..?" I muttered. I was speechless. What's he planning?

He didn't answer but instead slowly moved his head nearer to me, to kiss me, I think?

I closed my eyes. I don't want to see this. I just, dont.

But instead of a kiss, I felt his nose rub against my nose. I opened my eyes and saw him smiling while shaking his head. He rubbed his nose with mine and finally broke away. "What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing. Nose to nose. It's something Vicky taught Ares earlier. I was just eavesdropping on them, haha." he answered, giggling.

Vicky and Ares have hidden agendas? Hmm..

But seriously, I blushed so furiously earlier. And what's worst? I expected for a kiss! What the heck! Ho-ly flapjacks.


Sorry. First, because this chapter is shit. Second, I did not update after a looooong time of wait. Third, it's short. I HAVE EFFING WRITER's BLOCK. Only in my English stories, but in my Filipino stories, I'm like always excited to write and write.

Sorry, really, if this chap was shit. Wrong grammars, typos. I suck. Thank you for reading my rant. Thanks.


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