Chapter 11: Ponie is back ~

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Dedication to someone who had STG in their Reading Lists x


 I internally facepalmed when I realised I had woke up in the middle of the night again. I got out of bed and went to my usual place - under the tree. I stargazed, my mind blank. Funny, I usually think about things when I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night.

"You don't visit the pool area anymore."

I look up to see Poseidon, dressed in a white tank top and orange jersey shorts. He sat beside me and smiled. "I enjoyed it here, and got used to it." I answered. "I see why." he said.

We sat there for about an hour, just stargazing. We occassionally sighed. Why is it so awkward? I thought. Realising he was thinking the same would give me relief alot.

"Remember when I told you I liked Athena?" he said. Oh I remember that, a lot. Why do I go cheesily sad everytime I think about you? Fuck. "Yeah. Why?"

"Nothing." he said. "I forgot about it now."

"How come?"

"I don't like her anymore."

I didn't said anything. Wow. That was really unexpected. Also, how the heck am I going to respond to this? "That's sad. I ship the two of you. I ship PoThena, the way you ship Hanie."

"I don't even want to ship Hanie in the first place." he said.

"What?" I asked. "Nothing." he said.


"Atleast say something!" I complained with a smile, punching him slightly. "Well, it's been a while since we last had a decent conversation you know? You've been with Hermes a lot."



"Okay." I said, laughing internally. He had a strain in his voice when he said 'no', and Poseidon jealous because I spent more time with Hermes is hilarious. "Why don't you like Athena anymore?" I asked.

"Simply because I like someone else." he grinned.

"You and your quick replacings." I said, poking him. "You playah."

"Not a player." he laughed. "She's really beautiful, and I missed her which just contributed to the fact I'm liking her."

"Deep." I smirked. "Really." he said and sighed. I looked at him and it was really evident he ardently liked the girl. He also looked like he was having problems with this certain someone. He looked hurt like hell.

Nobody spoke for the next 5 minutes. Thoughts ran in my mind. Poseidon likes someone else now, not Athena. And here is my stupid half, hoping it was me. I still liked Poseidon. I don't show it too much, but I still do. Call me stupid but that's the truth. Do you want me to lie to you guys?


I like Hermes.

But that's a lie so...

Anywhore, why would Poseidon not like Athena anymore? I mean, he said he liked someone else, but I'm pretty sure there's a deeper reason. "Yhanie?"

He was so head over heels on her, and all of a sudden he changed feelings. Darn he changes feelings fucking fast. I need to ask him how to do that. I need to change feelings (A/N: Change for Hermes.) Shuttup.

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