Chapter 30: The NYU Mystery

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"So how's NYU so far?" Eula asked me. The girl attacked me as soon as I got out of class and invited me over for coffee during our break with her other friend, Sab. Sab was a gorgeous girl of 5'8. She had olive skin and dark brown hair with highlights. I had Literature class with her and Eula, thank god. "It's great. Everything's easy for now but I bet it'll be a damn once the school year goes deep." I answered. Sab nodded. "We didn't even do anything in Mr. Powell's class earlier. Just an introduction and he was already out of the room."

"Ah, quality education." Eula smiled and laughed. We were sitting outside of the cafe and the air was calming. "We should drop by Eula's place next time." Sab said to me. Eula raised her eyebrow playfully. "But dropping by my place would be dropping by Yhanie's too! Did I mention that we're actually neighbors?" She giggled. I laughed and nodded at Sab. "Yeah dropping by Eula's place sounds fun."

"They're the most quiet neighbors I've had in awhile. I almost forgot someone lived there." Eula said, taking a sip of her coffee. "They? I thought Yhanie was alone." Sab asked. "My cousins live with me. Six of them." I laughed, trying to hide the awkwardness. "We're pretty close. And we were out of town last week so that's why it's been quiet up there. Expect a lot of madness in the next week." I joked.

"Out of town? Where did you go?" Eula asked. I shrugged. "Florida?" I answered, unsure. Thankfully they didn't pay much attention to the tone of my voice and they let it slide. "Yhanie has the hottest cousins by the way. Who was that you were with when I caught you guys unpacking?" Eula asked. I felt my face go bright red. "His name is Sy." I answered pointedly. Eula nodded, but she didn't seem to be contented with the information I gave her. "Does he have a girlfriend?"

Yes, he does. I'm his girlfriend. "I believe he does. He's kind of a man-whore." I tried to suppress my laughter. Well, it's true. He kind of is. "A man-whore?! But he looks like the gentleman-type." Eula frowned. Sab patted her back. "Looks can kill, baby girl." Sab said. "True that. But my other cousin, Hermes, is cuter. And he doesn't have a girlfriend." I said. I imagined Hermes with Eula and I felt happy. They'd be perfect for each other. "Thank god he doesn't have a girlfriend, but it's up to me if I find him cute." Eula winked. I laughed.

"It was nice hanging out with you girls but I've got Social Sciences in a few minutes." I stood up, gathering my books. "It's not so bad to cut classes on the first day." Eula winked, and I started to regret having her as a college friend. Sab laughed and so did Eula, and I stood there standing awkwardly. "I was just kidding babe, I don't cut class; I ace them." She explained, and I laughed awkwardly. "I wish I could say the same, but I really have to go."

"Sure. We'll see you later." Eula said. We all waved our goodbyes and I was off to NYU again.

Eula was right, I should have cut class. First class in and we're already discussing about economic bullcrap. Interesting topic, I know; but every word that came out from Miss Fitzgerald's mouth made everything sound more boring. I was snapped out of my trance when, "Get your pens and notebooks  and write this article I found which tackles the differences between microeconomics and macroeconomics." Oh joy.

While searching for a pen in my  bag, I then found a glimmering silver fork in the depths. After analyzing it for a second, I realized that it was Poseidon's Trident in its miniature form. While pondering on how the little fork found its way into my bag, the building shook. "Oh my god!" My seatmate exclaimed, and everyone was clinging onto dear life as they realized that we were being hit by an earthquake.

"Everyone, go outside!" Miss Fitzgerald shouted. We all ran for the door, nearly creating a stampede. I was pushed to the railing opposite our room's door and I realized something - everyone on the opposite building were calm and were looking at us incredulously. They were probably thinking why we were running of our lives.

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