Chapter 17: The Veela

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For the past few days, I haven't talk to Vicky that much. The fact that she hid her personality from me, her best friend, made me feel like I was betrayed. She could've trusted me with that secret. I would've been there for her. I would've accepted her. But no, she didn't felt the necessity to tell her best friend.

Today, Zeus and Ares thought it would be best for Vicky to control her emotions so that she wouldn't have to use the Glamour more often. She didn't spray any on her today and they're on the lawn by the apple tree. I'm sitting here in my room, watching as Vicky turns into a harpy-looking creature, and goes back to being human moments later. Just repeat.

"She needs you, you know." I turn around and see Poseidon leaning on my door frame. "I just can't understand why you have to keep your distance from her." He entered my room and sat on my bed. "I feel betrayed."

"It's been three days." He pointed.

"I know, it's been three days and I still can't move on from everything that we found out! Vicky's a Veela, so is Amanda. Apollo is being tortured, Hades is looking for you and.. and those creatures --"

"--On Hades' side is after us, I know." He said. "And since then, you haven't talk to Vicky, you merely left your room. We haven't talk yet either." He said, and the fact that he's my boyfriend caught me off guard. Every time I think about that, I don't know what I'm supposed to feel. Most of the time, I feel giddy with the tint of awkwardness.

He snapped his fingers in front of my face. "You spaced out a bit there, you okay?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "Just... absorbing the fact that we're official now, I guess?" I said and he laughed. "Why are you laughing?" I asked and he sighed. "Mother of Zeus, why do I have a socially awkward girl as a girlfriend?"

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes. "Do you know how awkward our situation is? I'm.. human. And you're a freaking god for fuck's sake!" I yelped with matching hand gestures, laughing. "There is no wonder why I am awkward with you, 'kay?"

"Eh." He said as he took my hand and made me sit down beside him. "We wanted this, right?" I nodded. I love Poseidon. Of course I wanted this. It might be an awkward turn for my life, but I wanted this. He leaned to kiss me, and I leaned back. No no no no. He kept leaning forward and I kept leaning backward.

Then we fell from the bed and onto the floor.

"Ow!" We both yelped. "Why were you leaning backwards?!" He asked.

"Why were you leaning forward?" I asked back. "I was going to kiss you, dumbhead!" He said as he slapped his hand on my forehead. I laughed. The door opened and Athena and Hermes were staring at us like we had two heads. "W-What's happening here?" Athena asked, while Hermes had the pained look on his face, again.

I shrugged, still lying on the floor with Poseidon kinda on top of me. "Nothing to worry about, maybe."

"Oh gosh, Poseidon, not another demigod, please?" Athena rolled her eyes. "We had enough of them after Apollo had triplets." She said. I quirked an eyebrow. "Apollo had triplets?" I asked.

Poseidon nodded. "The oracle was one of them. They were Carla, Czarina and Clemence. Czarina is with Apollo, up in Olympus. Clemence died when she was 1." Poseidon said. "How?" I asked.

"Hades thought that if he harmed the baby demigods, which were a lot at that time, the gods would be distracted. The triplets were one of the many babies he harmed. Me and Zeus built an institution called Asfalis Epineio, which is where demigods are going to be brought up until they're ready to go on their own."

"But they only built this after what happened to Clemence." Athena shook her head. "We were telling them to build it befo--"

"Shush, Athena." Poseidon rolled his eyes. "We're both sorry for not listening to you, okay?" He said and looked back at me. We were sitting on the bed now. "Back to the story, Hades crept into the triplet's crib one night and took them. Apollo woke up and saw Hades, and a fight happened. Hades disappeared and went back to the Underworld when he got tired, so the babies were falling from Olympus."

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