Chapter 36: Artemis' Bow

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I was about to kiss him back when we were interrupted by Hera. "Chiron's ready to speak to us now." She said, grinning at the two of us. Poseidon stood up and Hera raised a hand at him. "Can you give the two of us some privacy? You can go ahead." She chirped. Poseidon smirked at her before walking away. Hera squeaked as she pulled me up to stand. "So you two are okay again?" She asked.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"That's great news!" She said. We started walking towards the building as Hera shared every bit of gossip that she could jam into my head. We caught up with Poseidon who was still waiting for the elevator. He immediately took my hand when he saw me. "Where are the others?" He asked Hera.

"They're upstairs already." She answered. "The notebook still doesn't say what we're going to get from Chiron though. All it says is we go to Asfalis."

We stepped inside the elevator as Poseidon pressed on the highest floor. "Well I hope there's something. I didn't skip school just to attend a silly foundation party." I said.

"Hey! I co-founded Asfalis. Don't be so harsh about the party." Poseidon joked.

"Anyway, Zeus did say Chiron might give us something." Hera muttered. Poseidon shrugged. "Well we're about to find out." He said as the elevator doors opened.

Unlike the other floors, the highest didn't open to a hallway. It instead opened to an office. We immediately saw Chiron behind a table, and behind him was a towering bookcase. Hermes, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena and Zeus were already sat on the couch. "I sent Hera to get you, Poseidon. Where were you?" Chiron asked.

"With Yhanie." Poseidon said. Zeus stood up and went to stand beside Poseidon. Hera and I both sat on the couch next to Hermes. Chiron stared at me for a moment before looking back to Zeus and Poseidon. "Let's cut to the chase, Chiron. You obviously know why we're here." Zeus said.

Chiron laughed. "You're here for a one week stay, Zeus. I'm training you." The centaur said and my ears were instantly pricked.

"Trained? By you?" Poseidon laughed. "We um, we can't stay for a week." I muttered.

"No worries, I was just joking." Chiron said. He started to walk over to a wall filled with weapons in glass cases. The sight of a centaur was no biggie for the others, but it was for me (and apparently for Still Drunk Ares) His tail swung from left to right as he walked. He took a certain crossbow off the wall and walked back to us. "Artemis' bow." He said. He looked at me again as if he was trying to solve me. "One of the demigods retrieved it when he killed off a Fury. The creature was carrying it around like it was nothing valuable. The oracle contacted us a few days later and informed me that you needed it."

"Why?" Poseidon asked.

Chiron shrugged. "Artemis' bow is known for it's amazing accuracy, a trait supplemented by moondust which Artemis herself collected. This will be handy during war, it's a great weapon." He explained. As he put it down on the table, I noticed how it glimmered under the light and I realized what moondust was (hint: it's exactly what it fucking is) However, I can't help but be alarmed at his mention of war. Apparently, so was Zeus.

"So it's true; Hades really is planning a war?" Zeus asked, quirking an eyebrow. Poseidon looked at his brother with his eyebrows furrowed before looking back at the centaur.

"You wouldn't go down without a fight and so will Hades - a trait you both possess and will be the reason why a war is brewing. It's better that you know this. Also, I've consulted a great number of seers like the oracle and I can confirm that this war is inevitable. There is nothing you can do about it. They say it'll be bigger and more drastic than any war in our vast history what with Olympus itself being at stake!" Chiron said as he shook his head. He sighed before walking towards the window which showed the night sky - a thunderstorm started to approach us. "You can see and feel the horrible way Hades is handling Olympus. It's affecting our very world." He added. He looked back at the crossbow, back at me and then to Poseidon and Zeus. "The crossbow - you'll need to choose to whom it goes."

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