Chapter 25: Moondust

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"But that's a lot of gasoline." Poseidon said, his arms crossed, forehead flooded with wrinkles and his mouth shaped in a scowl. "We can't just sail there knocking on her docks. And besides, she crashes ships. She gets a glimpse of us and the last thing we'd know is either we crash to her or crash to Charybdis. There's no in between, either way we die." He added, his hands flailing. "She gets a glimpse of you, and we're definitely dead." Zeus joked. I can't help but snicker a little. Hermes laughs. "Oh my gosh Poseidon, why are you here? And what is she doing here?" Hermes said in a high-pitched tone, attempting to act like Scylla. He pointed at me and I smirked. The rest of us laughed. "Can we not talk about relationships right now and be serious?" He smirked.

"But we are talking about ships." Hermes winked, and Poseidon pretended not to hear him. "This is a bad idea."

"First of all, we're already driving." Athena said, her hands on the wheel. I conclude that I'm a great driving instructor. "Second, we already ordered 10 gallons of gasoline. Hopefully that's enough. The strait isn't that far, is it?" She asked, and Ares sighed. He slumped his shoulders. "Unfortunately, it's far." He said, and I felt everyone grimace. "That's gonna be a lot of time in the yacht." Aphrodite muttered.

"On the bright side, we're riding a yacht. At least it's comfortable." I said, my tone unsure. I have read about Scylla, and she is damn scary. She makes Charybdis look tamed. And Charybdis is a whirlpool. Damn, right? And she's Poseidon's ex. Not only are we in a fight, but we're out to steal from his ex. My life is indescribable. "Will 10 gallons be enough, that's the question." I muttered.

"Hopefully." Hera said. "The gallons we brought are larger than normal, anyway. Also, we can call someone to help us when we're stranded. Hooray, right?" She said, grinning sheepishly. How the fuck is it hooray when we're stranded, though? Poseidon shrugged. "Definitely not hooray. There's the tendency of getting hurt, or worse, dying. So, it's not technically a hooray for me." He said. "I just hope no one gets hurt." He said, and then he glanced at me. And I stared back. And then 'Spaces' by One Direction blasted on the radio. Perfect.

"That's the last of it." Athena said, walking towards me. They brought our stuffs into the yacht and I stayed behind in the lovely refuge of my air-conditioned van. I'm such a tyrant. "Are we all set?" She asked again, and I nodded. "I just called the park-and-fly store. They said they can take the van. Thank God, though. I thought they only took in cars who had owners who were actually flying." I said, and she laughed. "Which is why I protested when you mentioned park-and-fly." She said, winking. I got out of the van and closed the door. I'm gonna miss this old piece of crap. "So, Scylla's excited to see you." Athena teased.

"Oh yay." I grimaced. "Stop it with the ex-girlfriend jokes, the boyfriend and I are on no speaking terms as you can see." I said, smirking slightly. Athena shook hear head, her lips twisted. "You're really going to continue ignoring him?" She asked.

I shrugged. "Well, we are fighting." I answered. She shook her head, this time it was a no-no. "You're both going to be staying in the same yacht. Work it." Work it? Work it? I just. I cannot. "I'll figure it out later, or tomorrow, or this week. I promise." I sheepishly said, showing off a peace sign. Ella came over and smiled at us. "Is that the last of it?" She asked.

"Yeah." I answered. She nodded at me and clasped her hands. "Well, bon voyage! You can park the yacht at any dock and you can just call us to pick it up from there. Although, I'm curious from the amount of gasoline you brought. Where're you going?"

"Um, it's a long trip -"


I grinned at her. "All we hope is that we don't run out of gasoline." I said, trying to avoid her question. "Thanks for all the help Ella." I added, trying to keep her from asking the question again. "You're welcome, miss. Have a nice trip." I hope so. I'm going to get stuck on a yacht with my boyfriend for God knows how many days. This is definitely going to be a nice trip.

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