Chapter 21: Alone

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101114: Late dedication to Doreentje! :) sorry it took FOUR MONTHS for you get your dedication aha, sorry love. ;)

"You can't hide from me, Hermes." The chuckle of a familiar voice echoed, but there was only darkness and I couldn't see him. I tried to turn around, and then I found him - a towering figure who wore a black cloak, flashing his famous, sly grin at me. "You can hide from the sun, but you can't hide from the darkness, Hermes."

And then there were fragments of memories - a married couple driving down the road; a first person view of someone flying in the air; and a baby, a poor baby, crying on the ground. . .

"Hades, please."

"Secrets will unfold, Hermes. Beware."

And there was a blinding light, and I jolt right up into a sitting position. I was dreaming again. Ever since I went to New York, I would always get the same dream, but new fragments of memories. Memories of whom, I'm not sure, but it seemingly belonged to Hermes. What he had to do with me, I don't know. But I am sure that I will help him get through this.

I grab my phone and glance at the digital clock. 2:24 am. "Again?" I muttered. It was my second night at New York, and on the first night, I woke up from the exact same dream. Creepy, I know, but then I realize that there was something more than this - a conspiracy, maybe. I'm not sure. I was still tired from everything that was happening during my enrollment. Fortunately, yesterday was the last, and all I needed to do was buy my school supplies and wait for the year to start.

I debate on whether I should call Athena and speak to Hermes, but I had just realize earlier that the government has the access to my every call, so I told them that I would only be calling them when it's absolutely necessary. My conversation with Hermes can wait until I get back to North Carolina.

Back to the dream, the first batch of memories were four fragments: a pale lady with long black hair and grayish teal eyes; a hand waving at Hades; a baby's cry; and a whip of black hair disappearing right after they had shut a window door. They didn't make sense even though they were obviously connected to Hermes, a pale lady, Hades and a baby - who were all recurring characters.

A baby - what could possibly be the connection of Hermes to a baby? A blonde one, too.

I shut my eyes. It was just a dream, Yhanie. Get over it. I said to myself. But who am I kidding? I was already uncomfortable. The dream swirled around my mind and I tried my best to drift into a peaceful sleep and think about how I'll need it for the trip back to North Carolina tomorrow.

I woke up to the Marimba tone ringing beside me, and I sat up to grab my phone from the dresser. It was Athena, and I think she'll be asking about my drive back. "Hello?" I greeted. The dream from last night flashed in front of me, and I kept myself from asking for Hermes. "Good morning, Yhanie. Are you all set for your drive back later?" She asked.

"Yeah, I am." I answered. "I'll be leaving by 10 and I'll be there in the evening or midnight. I don't know, sorry, I just woke up." I slapped a hand to my forehead as I caught myself sleepily babbling on the phone. "Did everybody sleep well?" I asked, hinting for Hermes.

I was worried that those dreams that I dreamt about was also being dreamt by Hermes, and it might've been a hard time for him considering the fact that they looked guilt-worthy. "Yes, they did. They're all still sleeping actually." Athena said. "But Hera's up to cook breakfast." Hera and Zeus had informed me the other day that they'd be sleeping in my room together, and luckily enough, Poseidon reported that they were quiet and no funny business was happening at all, thank god.

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