Chapter 14: Aphrodite's Readings

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"Yhanie, wake up!" I sat up quickly and my vision adjusted for awhile, but I was sure a guy was sitting beside me on my bed. When my vision cleared, I looked to my right and Zeus was there, grinning. "Good morning, Miss Woods."

"No need for formalities." I waved and stood up. "What?"

"What?" he asked.

"You wake me up so early and of course you have something to say and I bet it's important because geez, you woke me up." I rambled on, and took my brush from my dresser. Nobody will question about my obsession with sleep, right? I started to furiously brush my black hair with it. "Yes, it's kind of important --"


"But I didn't wake you up so early, anyway." He smiled a crooked one. "It's 11am for crying out loud! Now can you please listen to what I have to say?"

"I'm already listening." I said, sitting down on the stool. "Even though it isn't that important, according to you, I'm listening. Just make sure it's worth the time because I would gladly take back the hour I've been awake last night."

"Well, you know what day it is today, yeah?" he asked, jumping up and down. I answered "It's a Friday." and he told me "Correct. And, the plans for Friday are -- ?"

I thought for it for a second because we normally don't plan things for a specific day. We just do what we want. But according to him, we planned something for Friday. "I don't remem--"

"It's Amanda's party!" Oh. It is. She kind of invited us, and I forgot about it. "Didn't we talk already? I thought it's decided that we're not going to that party." I answered. He frowned. "No, we didn't. You said that we'll see about it, and since it's Friday today, you have to say something about it."

"If I say that I don't want to go to that party, will you guys hate me?" I yawned.

"I don't know, but they're all pretty excited to go. They're picking out their outfits since 7am." He said, frowning. "You don't want to go?"

"I'm a lazy ass bitch, Zeus, that's why." I said. "But if you bunch want to go, then go. Just remember to not show your powers. I know how you guys badly want to go outside and have fun and since it's friday, go."

He yelled "Yes!" and hugged me, jumping up and down. "Thank you thank you thank you! May the gods bless you, and that means us!" the lights started to flicker frolicly, representing Zeus' happiness, but I started to get scared. "Uh, Zeus -- the lights --"

"So, yeah, may the gods bless you and when we go back to Olympus we shall bless you!" he grinned and one of the light bulbs kind of -- boom. Exploded. "Oops."

"It's okay." I shrugged. "You were saying something about going back to Olympus?"

"Yeah, after we do this chains of tasks to defeat Hades we're forced to go back to our normal selves and yehey! Continue reigning Olympus." he grinned. "Now, I'll tell the bunch that we're going to the party. Bye miss Woods!"

He left the room and I stood there, not knowing what to think. "...we're forced to go back to our normal selves and yehey! Continue reigning Olympus." Continue reigning Olympus. Back to normal selves. I slightly got depressed knowing that after doing that chain of tasks Zeus was talking about, I'd be left alone again.

I sat on my bed which was opposite to my dresser. I stared at my frowning reflection which was flooded with so many questions and plans -- what plans? Plans to sabotage their tasks so they won't go back to Olympus? Why bother Yhanie? Maybe because you've grown so close to them already? Is that why? I hope so.

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