Chapter 3 - The Great Difference

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edited 071214

"Okay, I need an explanation!" I yelled as soon as we entered the house. Vicky brought the groceries into the kitchen while the gods sat down on the sofas. "I thought your powers were drained by Hades? How come Zeus' anger caused the light bulbs in the grocery store to explode?"

"We said, some of our powers were drained by Hades." Ares said, rolling his eyes.

"Okay, so you're telling me that you still have powers and there's this huge chance of you blowing up my house?" I panted. "Great." I always panted when I was panicking, I never knew why. And yes, I'm panicking right now. I can handle seven Greeks who were former gods but seven Greeks who were former gods with powers is out of my expertise.

Vicky comes out of the kitchen and exhaustedly sits beside Aphrodite on the sofa. "These gods are driving me crazy." Vicky muttered, and Hermes heard. "We don't even know how to drive." He joked.

"Okay, you need to show me your powers." I suggested, and Vicky's man candy wasn't so pleased at my necessary suggestion. "Excuse me? Who are you to ask us to show our powers?" Ares snapped, and for a moment there I was caught off-guard. He really needs to go and attend anger-management classes.

"What he meant to say, Yhanie, is that we're not really obliged to show our powers to mortals." Athena patiently said. "Thank you, Athena." I said. "But you need to show me. Show us. If you won't, I wouldn't be able to construct safety guidelines for all of you, so that you'd be hidden and under the radar."

"What would happen if we get discovered?" Hera asked.

"The government will take you and study things about you." And that is not a really great thing to look forward. "Or worse, people won't believe and start sending death threats to you. Powers isn't really something people nowadays amuse in." Because in this era, having powers makes you, in some ways, associated with Satan, which is in my opinion, absolute bull.

"Or the circus will try and take you away and show you off to people." Vicky shrugged. "And then people would think you're freaks and throw things at you. Stuffs like that." Vicky points to the vase beside me, earning a snicker from Hermes.

"Great. If that happens, we'll be free to roam around." Poseidon snapped, standing up and staring me down. I shake my head at him. "The government have unpredictable decisions, Sy." I said, walking closer to him. He walked closer to me, too, and we were so close I can feel him breathe. "They could also kill you after examining you, and then preserve you at a museum."

He frowned. I kept my face straight, even though I wanted to shriek about the perfection his blue eyes can offer. "I'm sorry, if I won't allow you guys to go out, I would, but that'll be some time later, when I'm sure you guys are safe."

"Now we understand." Zeus said, and walked towards me. "Sorry about that. We were just used to being free up in Olympus."

I smiled and nodded at Zeus. I understand them, too. Not being free sucks big time. And not being free after millions of years of being free up there sucks more.

Vicky offered to cook lunch, and I passed. Days for me would always pass like this. I'd either skip dinner or lunch. No wonder I was such a wreck for midnight snacks. I go to the pool and dip my feet into the warm water. The blazing summer sun shines above me, and how I wish summer would end already so that I could go move to New York and start a new life as a college freshman.

Moments later, a ball of water rises from the pool and hovers towards me. It splashes at my thighs and I laugh. "Oops." I turn around to see Poseidon, arms extended like he was doing some kind of voodoo on me. "Sorry, I'm not really good at this anymore since Hades took my powers."

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