Chapter 7: I'm here for you.

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(Don't know if this will be short or long or whatever. This will be quite emotional and an annoying chapter. I, myself, hate cheesily sad characters. But Yhanie at this point of the story is sad so I had to turn her into one of those annoying characters. As the story progresses, her character will improve and will be back to her jolly, old self :3 Now read.)

That night, from North Carolina, we went south to Georgia. We supposedly planned on going east, but it lead to the ocean so I decided south. In Georgia, we found this pretty field covered with flowers that glistened in the moonlight. We decided to rest there for a while and come back after an hour or two.

"Yhanie, why were you crying earlier?" Hermes asked after about 15 or 20 minutes of just laying there. "You look so depressed during dinner, too."

"I'm fine." I lied, showing a fake smile too. "Is something bothering you?" he asked again, completely ignoring my lie.

"Nothing, Hermes." I sighed. He sat up, and, as if automatically, I sat up and faced him. "Nothing's going my way, Hermes. Everything is not going as I planned it to be."

"Is it about us?" he asked. "Partially." I answered with a deep sigh. "I like Poseidon, Hermes. But he likes *sigh* Athena. Since that night at the pool, I always thought he liked me back. But then again, it was just a thought."

As I poured my feelings about Poseidon to Hermes, he looked sad and pained. I don't know why, and instead of asking him, I kept on rambling on about how I feel. Call me arrogant, but it's the first time I get to pour feelings to someone besides Vicky.

"I feel you, Yhanie." he said, cutting me off my sentence. "I like someone, but they don't like me back. "

I felt so happy that finally, someone understands and feels the way as I do. Yes, before the gods, there was Vicky. But she had everything to her. Parents, friends, everything she wanted. She didn't understand me that much, but still she was a great adviser.

But at the same time, I felt sad for Hermes. He's such a lovely man, kind and dashing, how can the girl he like not like him back? "I know it hurts, Yhanie. But you have to let go. We can't do anything if he doesn't like you back. All we can do is watch him be happy, because seeing that one person happy is priceless."

For the first 5 seconds I just kind of stared at him, letting his message sink in to my brain. And I got it and I was speechless. "*sigh* Just remember, I'm here for you."

He was about to say something when I finally spoke up. "You're right."

"What?" he asked.

"Seeing Sy happy, makes me happy. And I should just learn to let go, yeah? I mean, there's a lot of fish in the sea!" I cheerfully bounced on as Hermes stared at me wide-eyed as if I grew two other heads. 

"What non-sense are you saying?" Hermes asked.

"Gee, why are you so serious all of a sudden? I miss joker Hermes." I pouted. "Anyhow, there's a lot of fish in the sea! So I'll learn to free the fish I caught, and look for bigger ones!"

"Poseidon ain't no fish." Hermes laughed.

"It's an expression, Hermy. Hahaha!" I laughed. "You'll be explaining that expression to me someday. But now, I say we go back?"

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