Chapter 8: Zera issues

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Chapter 8: Zera(Zeus+Hera) issues

"So fish represents people, or in your case, boys..." Hermes said, hand gesturing to the right. "And the sea represents the world, and that you'll someday catch someone and be satisfied with it?"

"Yeah, yeah you're getting it!" I clapped while manly chuckling. We reached our favorite spot, under the tree. We've been roaming around my lawn for quite a time now. We laughed as we sat there in a cross-leg position. "What a sky."

"Nice topic selection." he laughed. "Yeah, the sky's blue alright."

"You pick your topic now. Since, according to you, I'm horrible." I laughed harder. He layed down in the grass and I copied his action, even though I wore a summer dress that reached down my knees. Oh wait, a dress.

And as if he's reading my mind, "Wow. You wore a dress. Quite an achievement it must've been for you."

"Ha. Ha. I wanted to dress up. You know, old Yhanie's back. I needed to atleast dress up." I smirked. I soothed my dress and layed down more comfortably now. "Boys don't understand."

"I'll never understand, actually." I chuckled. The laughing faded, and smiles were left etched on our faces.

After an hour of just laying in the grass we went back inside the mansion. Every one was on the couch, and had scared expressions. "What's up?"

"Upstairs." Aphrodite stuttered. "Hera and Zeus are fighting again."

I rolled my eyes. Ugh. Couples, what an immature word. Why does the word itself even exist. "What's wrong this time?"

They've had fights in the last couple of days since the grocery scene, but in the end thye'll end up cuddling each other. It was like earlier they were cuddling each other in the corner and now, oh the life at Woods residence.

"Hera and Ares were sitting in the couch watching a show, and Zeus kinda got jelly-jelly." Vicky said, bitterly. You can see she was jealous too. It was Ares for crying out loud. "And when Zeus talked about it to Hera, she shoved the grocery scene into his face again."

"And they exploded." Ares smirked. "Into a fight, I mean."

I stomped straight upstairs with Hermes, Athena and Poseidon trailing behind. I opened the door and a dictionary was flying right at us. I dodged by crouching down, but unfortunately Hermes was right behind me and it hit him in the head.

Head shot.

Ooh. That's gotta hurt." Poseidon snickered, because, if I wasn't too concerned, I would have rolled in the floor laughing my ass off at the sight. "Yep. It hurt. Like hell, dude."

I turned to look at Hera and Zeus. Hera was throwing furnitures at Zeus by levitating them. which I had no idea she was capable of it. I mean, yeah she taught humans home-making. Never have I imagined she can levitate house furnitures.

"Hon! *dodge* Hon, sorry." Zeus said, continually dodging the furnitures she was throwing. I'm surprised none of it is broken by the moment. The light bulbs flickered due to Zeus' emotions. 

I'm one lucky girl.

"Next time you acuse me of cheating," Hera yelled and threw a stool at Zeus face, luckily he dodged. "Remember you cheated on me many times. Remember Hercules? Yeah. That was an example!"

"Look, I'm sorry, okay?!" he said and dodged the picture frame she threw. "Okay, I get it! You're a faithful wife! Geez."

The furniture all flew back to their original place as Hera crossed her arms, smirking. "That's what I wanted to hear."

"You get jealous so much, hon." he said walking to her and gave her a hug. "It's because I love you, Zeus. Lesson learned?"

"Lesson learned : Never make Hera jealous. It's suicidal." he laughed and gave her a peck on the lips. "C'mon now." they walked past us. They gave us a wave and went downstairs to continue their little love fest.

"Wasn't that entertaining?" Athena smiled, her face filled with amusement as she watched the couple fight earlier. "They were less brutal back in Olympus." she joked.

"Earth must've been such a bad influence on them." I smiled and helped Hermes stand up. "Need me to supprt you on the way down?" I asked to the guy who was completely dizzy.

"Uh. maybe. Pancakes." he said and smiled. I shook my head and laughed slightly, deciding on walking him to their room for him to rest there.

I rested the heavy body on his bed. There were two double-deck beds on this room. Hermes and Zeus shared and Poseidon and Ares on the other.

He was supposedly placed in the upper bed, but I'm sure Zeus won't mind by now. It's his fault making Hera throw that dictionary at us.

I was about to leave when Hermes gripped my wrist. His eyes were shut, determined to sleep. I think he is sleeping. I took a chair and sat beside the bed, his hand on my wrist.

He's such a kind guy, a funny one too. I enjoyed his company so much. I enjoyed everyone's comapny so far. But the half of me wanted them to go back to their world.

I mean, half of me liked them to stay forever, and half wanted them to go back to Olympus. I don't know if it's getting rid of them or out of pity. They sure missed Olympus so much.

"Yhanie..." Hermes whispered, absent-mindedly. He was sleeping, knuckleheads. "Yhanie."

"What?" I giggled. "Yhanie.. I.."

"What?" I turned to a serious mode as he tried to construct a sentence.

"I... Yhanie... like... I... you.. like..." he stuttered, his head tilting to the right as he continued to sleep. I can't understand what he was saying. "What?" I whispered.

"You.. like... Poseido..."  he said. I nodded. Does he even needed to point that out, even when he's sleeping? Geez. 

"But... I... like... you...




Boring update, I know. But I left you with somethingggg. HAHAHA.

Ooh, you guys probably hate Athena now ;) HAHAHA.

Oh, I constructed tag names!

Hermes + Yhanie = Hanie, while Poseidon + Yhanie = Ponie.




What team I'm in, you ask? I'm team Hanie :) but that doesn't mean she's ending up with him! I'm not stating she's ending up with one of them, but what the heck SPOILED.

But let see if she does end up with one of them :D WAHAHAHAHA.

Follow me on Twitter: @jamvillacarlos3

On Instagram: @simplyjamzkieee

Check out my new story, Remember You! I posted Chapter 1 the other day, so pretty please check it out! It would mean the world! 

Someone told me STG should be in the Wattys, but you won't support me anyway *hint hint*



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