Chapter 22: The Trident

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"Hey guys?" I was lying on Poseidon's lap while we watched The Shining with the others in the living room. We had two comforters sprawled on the floor to give comfort to the 5 others that was unlucky enough to not take territory over the couch. Ares was sitting on it with an annoyed look on his face while Zeus lovingly rubbed his hand on Hera's back every time she shrieks from the jumpscares. How are there even jumpscares? "I was just wondering something."

"Yeah?" Poseidon asked, giving his attention to me. I sat up and paused the movie, earning scowls from the others. "We have to talk about something." I clarified, and they lazily gave their attention to me. "There's supposed to be a war taking place, right?" They nodded, and I ran a hand through my hair. "What about weapons? Are we seriously not getting any weapons or training and other shit?"

They looked at me for a minute, and Athena's face suddenly lit up. "Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you. Before you got here, I had this feeling of opening the notebook up and checking for a task. Luckily enough, the second task was already scribbled there." Athena said, and I stood up. "Show me." I said, and she nodded while standing up.

"Can you at least play the god damn movie?" Ares complained, gesturing to the tv. I shrugged and picked up the remote control. As soon as I played it, Jack Torrance started to chop the hell out of his family room's door.

Athena and I went to my room and opened my closet where I was hiding the notebook. 'Retrieve the Trident of the Seas which is being guarded by Scylla.' was scribbled on the next page, and just like the first task, it was written in sparkling gold ink. "We were supposed to discuss it with you as soon as you arrived but we were too overwhelmed by your return and you were always with Poseidon." She smiled, and I blushed. "Sorry."

"It's okay, we understand." Athena said and closed the notebook. "We're only on the second task and it's already really hard."

"We're just going to retrieve a trident, what's so hard about that?" I shrugged. "That is, if this Scylla thing is complicated to deal with." Athena had a frown on her face, and I sighed. "It is complicated to deal with, huh?" I said, and she nodded. She opened my laptop and searched up Scylla.

"Okay, so Scylla was the lover of Poseidon --"

"Was, right?" I nervously laughed. Athena smirked. "She's now a many headed monster with tentacles as limbs and has three rows of teeth and four pairs of eyes, of course she's a was." Athena explained, and all I said was 'oh'. She started reading the rest of the article and closed the laptop. "You should probably stop reading things about us from the internet from now on."

"Why?" I asked. "Well, according to what I read, Scylla was cursed by Circe, but it wasn't Circe, it was Amphitrite."

"And who's Amphitrite?"

She laughed. "Trust me, you do not want to know who's she." She snickered. "She's the goddess of saltwater, and when she realized that Poseidon fancies Scylla and that they have some kind of relationship, she cursed the water she bathes in and then she turned into what she is now." Wow, having a relationship with Poseidon back then must really suck. I mean, there was Medusa and then there's Scylla. Good thing Zeus is on my side to cover me up, amirite?

There was a knock on the door frame, and Poseidon was leaning cooly at it while looking at us. "There's a task?"

"Yeah, we're retrieving your trident from Scylla." I said, and he simply stared at me before laughing. "Well, this is immensely and fucking awkward." He said. "How did my trident even end up with Scylla? From what I remember, I left it at Mount Olympus." He added, and I shrugged.

Athena huffed. "The first time I read the task, it was just 'search for the trident from the shores of the nearest sea' which is, of course, already hard since you have to dig from the shores." She rolled her eyes. "Hades probably knows what our next move is, and Carla knows, so she changed the scribbles into what Hades had done."

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