Chapter 27: Bermuda

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I groaned. My head was horribly spinning. I opened my eyes and saw the yacht sinking underneath me. Poseidon had put the bubble shit on me again. I saw him swimming with the others who were all unconscious. They had the bubble shit on. "What happened? Why are they not awake?" I asked, taking Hera and Ares' arms. He shook his head in frustration. "I put it on you before we sank, and they were already underwater when I put it on them. It would keep them from drowning at the least." He muttered. "We need to swim up for air. I think there's an island nearby."

We swam up to be greeted by fog meeting with the waters. The fog smelled like ass and I could see the yacht underwater. In fact, the yacht wasn't alone. We saw hundreds of boats and airplanes - all underneath us. And yes, the water was clear as ice. "Poseidon? Where are we?" I asked, though I think I already knew what the answer was. "The Bermuda Triangle." He answered. "I think. It smells like it." He scrunched his nose up and started swimming to an island nearby.

"How the hell did we end up from Scylla's strait to the Bermuda Triangle?" I asked, having a hard time swimming Hera and Ares along. "I don't know." Poseidon answered. "My guess is, Charybdis was disembodied. We entered the mouth and came out from where we're supposed to come out. Disembodied by whom? No idea." He added. And then I remembered something - the Bermuda Triangle. "Oh my god, Poseidon! The veelas' island!" I yelled. He nodded. "Hopefully we're swimming straight at it right now. If it's not the island, we swim to the other one tomorrow." At that moment, I started praying we were headed to the veelas' island because 1) I want to see Vicky so bad. 2) I don't want to swim another inch.

We reached the shore and tried to revive the others. Athena woke up first and helped us into waking them up. "Jesus, what is that smell?" She complained, pinching her nose. I laughed. "That, Athena, is the stench of the Bermuda Triangle." I answered. She had the same reaction as I did: Vicky. The rest woke up an hour later. Better late then never, am I right?

"We camp out here for the night before we take a look at the island. It's nearly nightfall." Ares declared after resting. "Who's coming with me to go get some wood for the fire?" He asked. Poseidon and Zeus raised their hands and they went out. "Well then, I'm gonna go get some of those huge leaves so we can sleep in something. Hermes, you're going to go help me." Hera said, pointing at the trees perched on the beach. Thank god for Hera. "We'll start clearing the beach then." I said, nodding at Athena and Aphrodite.

There was not much to clear, just a bunch of coconuts and leaves and rocks. It was as if the shore was frequently cleaned. After our job, we sat on the sand and tried our best to ignore the horrible scent of methane forcing its way up to our nostrils. "He doesn't show it, but Ares is definitely excited we're in the Bermuda Triangle." Athena said while pinching her nose. "He missed Vicky alot." She added and I smiled. It was just like yesterday when Vicky was gushing to me about him and now he misses her. Oh how the tables have turned. "Yhanie?" Athena nudged me and I turned to look at her. Her eyes were glowing from the early moonlight. She always made me insecure. She was smart, pretty and gentle. All the aspects a guy would die for. And Poseidon used to like her. I'm horribly insecure. "Yeah?" I asked.

"I was just thinking." She said, looking up at the sky. "I hope you never get tired of helping us. We wouldn't have gone this far without you." Athena muttered. Aprodite was humming beside me, swaying. "We're only on the second task, Athena." I awkwardly laughed. I was so flattered. Someone told me they needed me. And to hear it from a goddess, it was ethereal. It sent sparks up my heart and butterflies fluttering around my stomach. Ares and Hera came back later and we were all wrapped up in banana leaves.

"Are they survivors? From a plane crash?"
"A yacht shot up from the waters yesterday, I think it got swallowed up by Charybdis."
"But they can't be mortals. How did they survive the methane?"
"Who said they were still alive, Martin?"
"Wait a second."
"Yes, Lord Thatcher?"
"I know her. Get her up. She's my daughter's best friend."
Aside from the voices, I was woken up by two pairs of arms grabbing me and telling me to wake up. My vision adjusted to see a familiar face. He had bruises here and there and his face was blotchy, presumably because of a fist fight. But it wasn't a fist fight. This man was in his 30s, or maybe 40s. He was impossibly handsome for a man his age. And then my brain woke up. "Mr. Thatcher?"

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