Chapter 28: A Pair of Harpy Claws

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"Everything's peaceful around here actually." Vicky said, pouring lemon juice in our glasses. We were ushered into a vacant hut which was next to theirs and we were planning on staying here for a couple of weeks and come back just in time for me to go to NYU. If only I had no responsibilities, I would definitely stay here with Vicky. The island was paradise. "But since dad is part of the Council, I can say that things are getting rough. Especially when he told them about you fighting off Scylla." She added. She looked stressed out, she definitely stood out from everyone who looked like Hades wasn't ruling over.

Ares, who was sitting beside her, put down his glass and groaned. "What's so wrong about that? It's none of their business anyway. You guys are neutral." He said. Vicky shrugged and my eyes momentarily glanced at their hands as Vicky squeezed his. "They think something's going to happen with you guys here. And they don't want to be involved in any kind of trouble." She said. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What? They think we're bad luck or something like that?" I asked. She pressed her lips into a thin line amd sighed. "Yeah, that's why they were so hesitant to let you stay here --"

"Glad to know we're not welcome here." Hermes interjected, shrugging.

"I think we need to go." Zeus said, looking at me. I looked at him with my mouth slightly open, unsure of what to say. I don't want to go. I want to stay here with Vicky. I can't fucking risk getting eaten by a sea monster just to get to the Bermuda Triangle again. Okay, that last sentence was definitely unbelievable. "Nothing's going to happen, we shouldn't be pessimistic about this." I said. Ares nodded at me, wrapping an arm around Vicky. "Yeah, nothing's going to happen." Ares said, looking at Vicky intently. Athena scoffed. "We can't just ignore the fact that we do attract danger and that we've been ambushed once."

"You were ambushed?" Vicky gasped, pulling away from Ares' embrace. "Yeah, about a week after you left." Hera answered, soothing her nape. I stood up and walked out of the hut, storming straight to shore. I let my feet meet with the water and I was instantly calmed down. I didn't have to guess who went after me when I walked out and moments later, we were sitting on the shore. "Wouldn't it be awkward if I was actually your, what, demigod daughter?" I asked out of the blue, hiding a laugh.

"That's so sick." He laughed. He looked at me and covered his eyes. "Shit! Now I can't even look at you." He added, and I laughed out loud. He was holding my hand, an achievement that he had discovered yesterday. I looked into his eyes, a habit I had forgotten. I couldn't explain it but every time I look into his eyes, I feel like I'm being blinded by a light. I always end up closing them, rubbing them off and I always feel dizzy. That's how blue they were. Crystal. "No, you can't be mine. If you are, I'd be so scarred I'd stop talking to mortals." He said. I snorted in a rather unappreciative way and stuck out a tongue at him. "But I'm not. I'm the ordinary one." I muttered.

"What?" He asked, forcing my shoulder to turn to him. "What do you mean you're the ordinary one?" He asked again.

I shrugged, regretting saying it out loud. I looked into his eyes and tried not closing my eyes and sighed. "You know, I'm ordinary. I'm not like you or Vicky. I'm just.. Yhanie. Brianna. Your mortal girlfriend who you're bound to break up with when everything's over." I sighed and he shook his head. "Don't say that. And who told you I'm breaking up with you?" He took my chin and caressed it. "I told you already, I'm marrying you. You're going to be my wife and my everything. We're going to live happily ever after. Nothing's going to make me change my mind, Yhanie. Nothing's going to stand in our way." He whispered, a sincere smile plastered on his delicate face. I swear, I felt like crying. "I love you." I said, trying to smile. He hugged me tight and planted kisses on my forehead. I wanted to say more. I wanted to tell him that I was so sure about him. I wanted to tell him that I somehow know he'll break my heart but I'm still going to love him because what matters is that he's mine now. I wanted to tell him to not break his promise because I did want to marry him. "Gosh, I feel like the lead in a Nicholas Sparks movie."

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