Chapter 27: Let's Not Do This

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Chapter 27:

Why am I not surprised?

I kind of knew it was all too good to be true, so why the hell did I even expect things were actually going great between us? It's not like he could forget her just like that. Though I thought there could at least be some improvement in how he feels about me, but apparently I'm still at square one.

I headed back to where Mitsuya was. I don't think I could listen to what he had to say anymore, I kind of knew this would happen so why am I hurt? Why am I sad? 

"Hey, that was quick," Mitsuya said as he saw me approach him, I smiled at him, trying my best to hide the fact that I was hurting, and thank god he didn't seem to notice it.

"Yeah, I didn't get to say much," I told him, "But I'm sure she got the message,"

Draken's message.

"That's good, shall we go? Draken must be on his way too," He said, I nodded and we got on his Impulse, we headed straight to the restaurant he mentioned earlier.


Mitsuya and I have been waiting for Draken at the restaurant for about 20 minutes now, the staff is starting to become annoyed by how much time we're wasting by waiting for him. 

Should I tell Mitsuya that Draken most likely will not come?

He did mention he didn't want to see me, so I'm sure he won't come. The next time I'll see him, he's going to break up with me and I'm honestly not sure if I'm ready for that. 

But what can I do? Beg for him to stay?

I could, but what would be the point in that? 

As much as I want to be with him, if he made up his mind then I can't do anything about it. 

I mean I'd kill just for him to love me back, but he's probably suffering more than I am, 

"Haru?" Mitsuya called out to me, breaking me from my train of thought, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, of course," I said, trying my best to look cheerful as I can, "We should order, Draken probably won't come anyway," I said as I opened the menu.

"Do you want me to call him?" Mitsuya asked, he was looking at me with so much pity it frustrates me. It frustrates me how I'm always pitied by other people because of Draken. 

"No, it's fine, he's probably busy at the shop," I told him, "We should order," Mitsuya just nodded in response and grabbed his menu to read.

I wasn't really in the mood to eat but Mitsuya went out of his way to book us at this restaurant, I don't want to be rude or waste his efforts.

After placing our order, Mitsuya and I talked about our plans after graduation. He said he wants to look for an office and start making clothes as a freelance. I told him about my interview at Otonokizaka High School next week. 

 "Mitsuya, Haru, I'm glad you're still here," To my surprise, Draken arrived at the restaurant with a bouquet of flowers, he looked pretty worn out, like he ran on his way here. "I'm sorry I'm late, things were pretty rough at the shop,"

"You came straight from the shop?" I questioned,

"Yeah, but I asked Inupi to close it for me," He said as he handed me the flowers. I can't believe he could lie straight to my face like that. No, wait, I can believe it since he's been lying all these years. "I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your graduation, but I promise to make it up to you,"

"No, I understand, things must be pretty hard for you," I told him, I wasn't actually referring to the shop but he doesn't know that.

At dinner, Draken acted like the usual, he acted like he was into me. He even had his hand on my waist the whole time like he didn't tell his dead girlfriend an hour ago that he was going to break up with me.

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