Chapter 33: Second Confession

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Chapter 33:

It's been about 4 days since Draken said he wanted a break, I tried going to his shop almost every day but Inupi said Draken didn't want to see me and begged me not to push my luck or he would get his ass whooped by Draken if he lets me in.

I wanted to fix things and the only way I could do that was if we talked it out but he didn't want to see me and I hadn't replaced my phone Shimazaki-san threw out the window so I couldn't call him. My love life is going down the drain and I can't do anything about it, it infuriates me.

Work has not been any better either, Sakura would still dump her work on me and would still get credit, while every output I produced for myself kept getting rejected or scrapped, I would always stay overnight at school to finish all the paperwork. I don't know what's the difference between what I made for Sakura and what I made for myself, Shimazaki-san is just ridiculous.

"Kazehaya-sensei, you don't look so good," Erina-sensei said as she and our PE teacher, Nagisa-sensei went over to my desk to check up on me, she mentioned I was wobbling in my seat and I looked extremely pale, "Have you eaten anything? Want to have lunch first?"

I haven't eaten anything in 3 days, the only thing I've been consuming is coffee. Every time I tried to eat I would always puke it out, I've even passed out in my apartment one time from exhaustion, but I couldn't afford to get sick or they'd fire me and if they fire me, they'll make sure I can never work anywhere ever again.

I'm like walking on landmines with my job,

"I'm just a little tired," I lied, I feel like I was about to pass out any minute, "I'm about to head to class, I'll have lunch later," I said as I brought out my journal from my bag to check the schedule of my next class, as I flipped through the pages, Nagisa-sensei notices the charm Mitsuya's mother gave me in middle school. I always keep it inside my journal so it wouldn't get crumpled or ripped and I always have it with me wherever I go. 

"Is that a charm?" Nagisa-sensei pointed out, I smiled and nodded as I brought it out to show them. 

"Someone very special to me gave this to me during our middle school graduation, it's the most important thing I own," I told her as I remembered the time I received this from Mitsuya, I may not be having the best life but ever since I had this I've always felt lucky and safe.

"Is it that guy with the cross earring who always picks you up?" Erina-sensei asked, I smiled and nodded in response as I placed the charm back in my journal and shoved the journal back in my bag. "I have never seen you with such a look of endearment before, you must really love this guy, you're lucky to have such a thoughtful boyfriend like him,"

"Oh, we're no--," I was about to correct her about my relationship with Mitsuya but our conversation was interrupted by the devil incarnate.

"Are you talking about Takashi?" Sakura chimed in enthusiastically, 

"Uh-- yeah?" I didn't really know if I should have responded or not,

"He was my boyfriend back in middle school before Haru-chan seduced him and stole him from me," Sakura can't be fucking serious with this?! "But I forgive you Haru-chan, I mean I married a good man after all,"

"Oh~" Was all Nagisa-sensei could respond, but with the look on her face, she was very much judging me. 

"I did not-- you two weren't even--," I was seriously caught off guard by her accusation,

"Now, now, no need to explain yourself, I already forgave you and I'm already a happily married woman," Sakura said as she showed off her diamond ring.

Is she for real!?

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