Chapter 24: I F*cked Up

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Chapter 24: [Timeskip]

Years have passed, Draken made sure to commit to all his promises ever since my middle school graduation, he really made sure to always be there during special occasions, we've been dating for 7 years now and I'm a senior at YNU, though he didn't go to college, he started a bike shop business with Inui Seishu but it really isn't going that well, they were just making enough to survive.

Mitsuya and I continued being best friends and were always doing things together, Draken hasn't said anything about it and I guess he has gotten used to us hanging out. I mean, we weren't doing anything wrong, and he actually think it was a good thing someone was looking out for me here in Yokohama,

As for Mitsuya, even after all these years, he still hasn't had a girlfriend. He wasn't interested at all, Yuzuha went to work abroad with Hakkai so setting him up with her failed miserably. But I was still determined to find her a girlfriend before we graduate college!

My life has improved drastically since middle school and I was completely contented with how everything is. 

If you're wondering about my relationship with Draken, we remained, should I say, platonic. He acknowledges me as a girlfriend, but there were quite a few setbacks to it. It's been 7 years and we still kept it a secret from everyone. There was also 0 romance, the most he would do is hug me or hold my hand but the last time we kissed or did the deed was in middle school.

I didn't really mind though since I wasn't into sex, though a little romance wouldn't hurt. Whether Draken has developed feelings for me or not, I wasn't sure. He still visits Emma but he doesn't mention her at all anymore. He was also always ready to come to me whenever I needed him, which was a huge improvement in our relationship. 

Though, it was more of a partnership than a relationship. Sometimes, I do wish for a little intimacy between us but I respect his boundaries and never really asked him about it, and besides, most of the time I was busy with school since I'm graduating soon. I had no time for things like romance and intimacy.

"Pah and Peh are coming over, we're drinking, tonight," Mitsuya said through the other line, "

"Lucky," I mumbled, I was jealous they had the time to unwind while I was busy preparing for the final teaching demonstration scheduled next week, it would determine whether I'd be graduating college or not, it was like a final examination for me, "I wish I could drink too, but I have to much work to do,"

"Then come over, one night wouldn't hurt," Mitsuya said, "Plus I need you anyway,"

"What for?" I asked,

"Our school's fashion show is next month and I need a model to fit, Pah and Peh broke my mannequin," He explained, "I'm picking you up right now, you better be ready in 10 minutes,"

"Wait, I have things to--," I tried to explain but he ended the call before I could finish, I don't have the time to relax, 

I got up from my seat and started getting ready.

I grabbed my phone to call Draken and tell him about today's plans. We barely talk these past few days because we've been busy, me in school and him with the shop, so the least we could do is update each other about what we are doing.

"Haru, I was meaning to talk to you," Draken said as soon as he answered, "What's up?"

"I'm going to drink with Takashi, Pah, and Peh today so I might not be able to call you tonight," I informed him, "Is it okay with you?"

"If you're with Mitsuya, it's perfectly fine, at least someone is there to watch over you, you can't really handle your drinks well," He chuckled through the other line, 

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