1. My Bestfriend

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   I get out of bed as my alarm clock hit 7:55 am. My slippers are the most comfiest thing I love to earth. I wear them to the cold flooring to my bathroom. I light some candles and put two pumps of strawberry scent bubbles, after settling in I pump one more for good luck. I massage my hair with shampoo and conditioner. I usually take a bath for 30 minutes but today only 20. I dry myself put a robe, put lotion on my arms, legs, stomach and goodies.

I unlock my door and see several maids dusting everything like usual. I make my way down stairs not forgetting to greet the maids I pass by. Of course my favorite is Mrs. Anna. She is the only one that is allowed to enter my room. We talk and she is like a mo-. She is a sweet friend to have. I make take the last step and see dad.

"Good morning dad". I say cheeky to him coming down the stairs. My dad and I are inseparable to start of with. He is my best friend and I love him to the moon and back.

Can't say the same for my mother. She left us when I was the age of 2 due to him almost going bankrupt of a wrong decision he made. I don't agree with her actions and never will in fact it wasn't even his fault. Another company bribed him with so called 'facts' but ended up of us in a huge hole for years.

That was until he sued them and won. And then we moved to France. I had no doubt, I prayed night and day for him to win just for a little more support.

When ever I would think of my mother I would close my eyes and imagine our life with her. My dad owns a little company compared to all billionaires.

"Good morning sweetheart", my dad says back pulling out of my thoughts.

"So dad".... I let out shakily. "Yes princess". He says sipping his coffee. "I was wondering if today we can both take a day off of work and school and perhaps go to the golf park or maybe even have a picnic in the backyard like we always use to do-". I ramble. "Hold on sweetie slow down" he says making his dimples pop out.

"Sorry dad". I say looking down. "Go on". He says.
"I was asking if we both can."- I get cut off with my dad getting a call. "Hold on princess my clients are calling, I have a meeting today so I won't be able to drop you off at school". He says in a rush gulping down his coffee and a croissant that the maid gave him.

"Oh yea of course dad". I give him a fake smile. He believed it. He finished up and kisses my head and leaves the mansion. I see him leave in the limo through the glass door.

Don't get me wrong I love him so much but I wonder if he can make time for us... me or even himself. I know he is trying to take care of me, keeping a roof over my head, working to give my everything I could possibly want. But when the only thing you want is some quality time with that one person in your life all the other things become invisible or not as important as them.

Hey guys this is my first book. I want you guys to share your opinions about this first chapter so far. It's a little mix with Elia's dad, mom and her. Im going try to publish a chapter a week maybe even two.

Anyways what are your guys favorite foods of all time? 👀

Is there any punctuation I need fix on if so comment for me please. Lots of love to anyone reading this <3

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