19. Planning

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Authors Pov~

It's been a few hours since the four had their talk, about having a day with her as a 'wife' and treating her like a queen.

She really believed everything they said. Her warmhearted mind never took notice how of a snap of finger they changed their view on marriage.

The brothers really would do anything for her.



I was sitting on a booth in the closet of mine when a hand creeps down to my shoulder.

"O-Oh you startled me." I say looking back.

"No worries love, Im glad you decided to go into this agreement and accept our offer!" Leo says happily.

Does he think this is like a business deal, ruining my life.

I only accepted because they left me no other choice, either having a day where we act like we are married or forever be married.

I don't respond.

"What are you doing here by yourself? We told you already plenty of times that you need to be with one of us. You got us looking all over the mansion because of you." Leo says with a worried face not sure what he's worried about if there's guards outside the premises.

"I-I just needed a place to think." I say with my feet dangling above the flooring, I just said it to give him a reason.

I look up from the floor to be meant with his eyes.

I got up and turned to him. In fact I was thinking, thinking about how they are such liars, lying from day one when they agreed to become friends how come they aren't lying now, about acting like we are in a lovey dovey relationship for one day. And then forget about the contract.

'They are for sure lying.'

"You and your brother are liars, I know it!" I thrashed out. "It's too obvious."

"Only a dummy would not think so!" I say pointing to his face.

"Elia what makes you think we're lying?" His head turned a little. There was tension in his voice. He makes steps towards me cornering me. The coats on the hangers grazing my arm.

I hated having no space to breath it irritated me and felt like I was drowning.

His big hands grab my small hands. They were really warm. Maybe they were telling the truth.

'I'm such a messed up person.'

"Hey, it's completely alright if you don't trust us we get it, we have no right to tell you what to think and what not to, we are not good people. And we also know that it's possible for you to never trust us again. We are truly sorry from the bottom of our hearts." His had caressed my cheek. Rubbing in small circles.

The amount of tingling happening in my face was giving me a slow painful death. I bet my cheeks were awfully red.

"No. You shouldn't be sorry, I'm sorry. Sorry for acting on instinct, and thinking you guys are bad people. I should've reacted like a mature person and not thrashed out like that." I meant every word, everyone deserves a second chance. People make mistakes hopefully Leo realizes it, he's not a bad person.

"It's alright sweet cheeks we both can be sorry. I'll be waiting for you downstairs." He said walking towards the door but weirdly comes back to me.

His hand was going up to my face, it was like in slow motion.

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