10. Library Pt.3

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Those three men were staring at me. I jumped a little and hid back behind the book shelf. I can feel the hotness of my face. I bet I looked like a tomato.

I covered my mouth with my left hand. My chest going up and down. I tried to slow my breathing but my body had other plans.

"Anyways I'm sorry if me and my daughter interrupted." Dad spoke out. He showed some kindness or more like a hint of scareness. But dad never showed any scareness to any of his work mates, just respect. I had an unsettling feeling about this whole situation.

Dad eventually came back to the aisle where I was. I looked at what I was carrying. 'Great I never got to read the book!' I thought.

I but the book away hurryingly up to get out the bookstore with dad when my hand glided on the pages

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I but the book away hurryingly up to get out the bookstore with dad when my hand glided on the pages.

'A paper cut!'

My pinky finger, it stung badly. I can feel the my eyes stinging and the incoming tears 'You never look what you are doing' I thought to myself. I went to examine my finger.

I opened my small purse with my index finger and thumb. I know how clumsy I always am so I carry three bandaids with me, along with some chapstick and eye drops. I get my bandaid for my finger. I started walking towards dad who was opening the door for me.

When a tap came onto my shoulder. It was like an electric shock powering all through out my body.

I turned my head briefly to my right. One of those men earlier was right in front of me. Up close he looked really pretty.

"You dropped this." He said, looking in my eyes. Almost as if he was searching for his own reflection in them. I reached out for my chapstick that he picked up.

Our fingers brushed against each other. His fingers were so rough but they held careness. I blushed at these sort of things. But now I must look like red cherries. "Thank you!" I said with a smile.

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