18. Tears

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Authors Pov~

  As the sun slowly started to rise up the suns rays fell on Elia's face giving the brothers a beautiful sight.

They've been admiring her close to an hour, they couldn't go back to sleep with the last night events happening on rewind in their minds.

They were leaning towards the door when all of sudden Mateo's phone started ringing.

"You fucking idiot!" Leo whispered-screamed. He was already annoyed. "Oh shut it." Mateo said while turning it off but was a little too late for Elia.

She started stretching her arms above her head giving the brothers a glimpse of her stomach, the more they looked at her the more they yearned for her, the more they've become obsessive of her.

From the moment they've met her; a small time span, they wanted her near them every minute, every second. They wanted to tie her to their arms so she wouldn't leave their sight. They wanted her to be the only thought that goes on in their mind and for hers, them.

Mumbling came of her mouth. "Thanks a lot Mateo." Sebastián whispered. While Mateo rolled his eyes, he felt bad for waking up his sweet girl.

"Mmmmhhh." Elia was always a bit cranky when someone would disturb her sleep. She was grumbling under her breath.

She tried opening her eyes but the sun was too much for her causing her to hide under the covers in hopes for it to go away.

The brothers lightly chuckled and bend down to Elia's side of the bed to speak to her.

"Darling can you please come out?" Leo's soft voice spoke.

"Please j-just a few more minutes I-I swear I'll do an apple pie w-with extra apples and whip cream iffff yo..." Elia mumbled. The brothers found it amusing how their sweet little girl was sleep talking.

But after a few seconds they heard snores from under. Sebastián tugged the covers off of her body leaving her with goosebumps from the sudden coldness.

"Heyyy! All I'm asking for is to sleep and I can't even have that!" Elia said while holding the hand of Leo's. They way she held it was sending an electric feeling in his body.

"Okay fine we'll let you sleep." Leo said while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, which send the same feeling to her body. Sebastián and Mateo were confused they were suppose to enjoy the day with her not letting her sleep.

Leo started walking towards the other side of the bed and removing his night under clothes to get into the covers. Elia turned towards him with widened eyes.

"N-Never mind! I'm uppp!" She shouted while getting out of the covers to find her night slippers.

Mateo and Sebastián watched at the scene unfold and they were trying to keep in their laughs.

"I thought you said you wanted to sleep in, do you not anymore?" Mateo brought up with a smugly smile. While Elia's eyes were shooting daggers at him.

Her body walked over to the restroom to wash up when all of a sudden it felt like bear hugging her. Which of course Elia knew it wasn't no bear, it was the Silvs.

She knew they were going to cling on to her for a very long time but a light bulb lit inside of her head.

Oh how that lightbulb would soon turn into a disaster...

"Whoever let's go of me gets a kiss on the cheek!" She said amusingly while biting her lower lip.

The brothers took a few seconds to comprehend what she said but when they did her body was out of their tight holds. Without a second thought she scrammed to the bathroom and locked the knob.
Banging could be heard from her side it wasn't pleasant to hear at all as-well.

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