3. His Princess

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"I-I-I" I stammered again and again.

"I- we were never a couple." I looked at Ricco with a a worried look.

"Wait, Ricco can I talk to you...in private." I whispered to his ear. My cheeks were still hot to all the commotion.

He slide to against the booth then stood up. He grabbed my had to help me get up from the booth.
I held it.

We went outside to a little table with two chairs.

"Do you know what they are talking about!" My eyes were getting watery. I've only ever cried twice in front of him and this is going to be the third. I confront him. "Elia please just listen to me."

All I could hear was mumbling. There was a sharp sound that wouldn't let me hear. So much was happening.

I was crying. How can he do this to me. I need to go home. My hands were covering my eyes.

"Elia come here". Ricco shouted as I was heading at least one block away so he wouldn't catch up to me.

I unlocked my phone and dialed Benji. I told him where I was. I had scraped my knee pretty bad on a big branch that fell of a tree.

He came and and I got into the limo. The fact that basically lied about who I was. He was basically my only friend outside of my home.

All these thoughts going in my head. I didn't even realize we were already at home.

Ricco opened my door. As I got out I had teary eyes, I also bet I had red eyes.

"Darling are you home already". My dad yelled out from the dining room.

"Uh yea dad". I said super fast.

I ran up the stairs to my bedroom. I went to my bathroom and looked in the cabinet for some rubbing alcohol. It stung a lot. My eyes were watery again.

My vision began to blur. My nose stuffy as always when I used to cry. A sob came out of my mouth. "Ughh I'm such a cry baby". I spoke to myself.

I wiped my face with my arm. I was done applying it and put a bandage on top to stop any infection.

I opened my door and headed to the library we have at my inside my house. It's pretty big. Every Christmas I ask my dad to get me new books. Especially romance ones. There the best.

I spend around 3 hours reading books. I get off the table and go to the dining room. My dad is reading something on his computer.

"Hello darling". I jumped as my dad spoke out.

"Hi dad sorry for not greeting you". I say as I'm looking down.

"So how was it". He asked. "Fine". I mumbled.

"Princess, I know when your not okay". He said.

"Dad". I sobbed out. "He lied-he said to his friends that we were a couple. I only see him as a friend." I let out.

"H-he reminded me of Alex". I spoke out.

Alex was another hard topic to talk about. But that is a story for another time.

Dad brung me to his shoulder and hugged me. I hugged back.

"Your my princess". I hear him say. I smiled and hugged back stronger.

When ever my dad noticed I was deeply upset. He would sent all the servants home and make a meal for me. And that's what he did.

He made pasta alfredo. And after he made hot chocolate. He really is the best. I love him.

"Dad thank you". My eyes watered again.

"No sweetie don't cry again". He said feeling sad.

"No it's not that, it's just I'm really grateful to have you". I said.

I made my way to my bedroom. I had said goodnight to my dad. And now I'm changing into some night clothes.

I lay down

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I lay down. And look up at my ceiling and then I forgot to remove my lipgloss. I get back up remove with the softest cloth for my face. Use the bathroom and head back to bed.

I wasn't tired at all. But dad always say to count sheep if you can't fall to sleep. And I did....

1 Sheep... 2 Sheep...3 Sheep...4 Sheep...5 Sheep...

To be continued...

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I give you guys chapter 3!!

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