15. Apart

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Authors Pov~

While Elia was siting in the limo, her body limb and mind were still in shock. The brothers forcefully put Elia in the vehicle, she was pitting up a fight, punching the Silvs and squirming off of their holds to go and check how her father was doing. Elia gathering her thoughts made her face be in confusion; eyebrows furrowed, glistening eyes, head pounding, and wrist hurting from the brothers holds earlier.

They were off to who-knows where. The only thought and decision she made right now that was as normal as anything was for her to not be apart from her father.

When she turned from the window towards the brothers she jumped a little. The were all staring at her. "Oh baby you are just so cute to look at."  Leo said while smiling like the other two. 'They are so abnormal.' She thought. When about to turn her head away from the brothers she was stopped with a hand to her jaw bringing her sight back to them.

"When we show our affection towards you, you say 'thank you' understood?" Mateo said with his jaw clenched. "Y-yes." Elia let out quietly while looking down. Her naive mind didn't catch that these brothers were almost becoming obsessive over her. Even if her little self did try to stop it she couldn't.

"Oh brother don't be such an ass to sweetheart." Hearing that name alone made her want to gag. But she held it together.

"Um Sebastián? Where are you guys taking me? I can't leave dad. He may be worried sick about me." Elia rushed out, her eyes was observing outside of the windows trying to catch glimpses of her surroundings. Her staying quiet was over with, she wanted answers.

"CANT YOU JUST STAY QUIET FOR DAMN SAKE!" Leo screamed. He was over this bullshit. No one ever questions the Silvs, and she did. They didn't know how to respond to this. But they wouldn't take that level of disrespect. She swallowed a big lump in her throat as she sinked down into her seat while biting the inside of her cheek.

Elia's Pov~

Some time passed by from Leo's big outburst. Honestly never would have I imagine them shouting at me or hurting me. It hurt, it really did. But I didn't want to start something that I knew in the end I would be getting more hurt by. Dad always told me that I'm naive and very emotional when it came to the real world.

Soon enough the tires started rolling on some type of rock, gravel feeling, the vehicle made a stop towards a huge mansion that I saw on my side of the window. It was beautiful, no beautiful was an understatement, it looked magical. The entrance doors were so detailed with their architecture. My eyes were sparkly with admiration l observing the water fountains.


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The chauffeur I believe opened my side door. I take a step out of the limo and walked a few more. A thought came in. 'Is this a hotel.'

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