5. Power

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"Brothers we have a meeting with some whore again, her name is Celine". I spoke to them in the study.

"She's coming from Canada". I informed them. "We met her before but with Frank Aguilar. They have a business called F.C."

"I would like to propose to them for us to get 23% of their business and we can sell their products to high end stores." I let out.

"That's great any other meetings?" Mateo asked. "Yes three of them in 4 hours." Mateo continued. "I actually want to buy their company for 2.50 mill." "Do you guys agree?" "Fine with me". I added. Sebastián agreed by nodding.

"Amy" I spoke in the voice intercom. "Bring six coffees, black". Two for each of us."Yes sir". she said seductively.  "She annoys the crap out of me". I say truthfully. "Tell me about it". Sebastián smirks.

Couple hours later~

The trio walked in long strides to a high end restaurant called "Venture lent". Frank and Celine were already there, Frank wanted to make the best impression respectfully but on the other hand Celine wanted to just get in bed with one of them.

The trio were greeted by the owner of the restaurant, he was opening the door for them and bowing. It's what the trio liked, the power.

"Good evening". the trio said in unison. "Hello Mr. Silv". Frank said as he shook the trios hand. He was even surprised he was aloud to.

Celine puffed her chest and made her way to hug each of them. But trio always think 3 steps ahead of everyone else. They sat down not even acknowledging her.

But she didn't mind because she had all evening with them. She bit her lip when Frank was talking about the company's prices and process to their success.

The trio were all ears and attention to Mr.Aguilar. They were more ready than ever to to paperwork with the F.C company.

"In five years, I calculated that the rate would slow down-".  "WE". Celine almost shouted. She wanted to impress the Silvs. "So we thought about it and we would put more updates to our products, advertise everywhere."The trio then turned to Celine.
They looked at each other and already agreed that she was going to be a handful.

Frank was already scared to death that he spilled some files on the floor and picked them up fast. He had shakey hands. He was cursing out Celine in his head for talking loud disrespectfully and that might had triggered the Silvs to get angry.

"Celine". Mateo's said. "Yes?" she purred. We want to offer $800k to you. "What's the catch" she said while looking lustfully at him. "To sign away your partnership with Mr. Aguilar.... to us".

Celine was in a lost for words. Her heart was saying yes. And so without a second thought...

"YES". She screamed out of joy.

"Wow we forgot to bring earplugs". Leo said grumpily.

Some time later~

Celine was happier than ever. She already signed away her partnership with Mr. Aguilar and gave it to him. She thought by doing this she ruled the world. She received a check for $800k in her hand by Sebastián.

"GO" Mateo said firmly. Celine was so caught up with the money she failed to realized that she was no longer needed.

"Oh of course". She said lustfully to Mateo packing her case and heading off.

"So Mr.Aguilar we would like to propose a deal to you". Leo said. Sebastián nodded and so did Mateo.

"Yes?" Frank said. "We would like 23% of your company although you would have some things off your shoulders; we would supply a whole warehouse for your products and advertise to other countries."

Frank was in awe. He couldn't believe his ears. The biggest billionaires wanted to work with him. "Of course, absolutely." He said

The trio smirked. Frank was getting himself into something he never thought he would encounter.

The Silvs were not surprised by his answer. They just wanted his company in the end slowly but surely. They saw the potential his company held. It held power. And anything with power they must have.

To be continued...


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It's gonna get INTERESTINGGGGG in a couple of chapters.



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