7. Arrival

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Currently me and dad are in the limo barely arriving to dads private jet. He always says what's his is mine but I never help him in his work stuff.

"Princess we arrived" dad said tapping my shoulder. We got out of the limo and headed towards the trunk. "It's very windy dad."I said to him loudly. "What's that princess I didn't catch that." Dad screamed out. But I didn't here a word he said.

All these airplanes and jets landing and taking off were the cause of that, Elia thought.

I chuckled to myself.Three people who were around the age Twenty-Five were helping the me and dad out by putting our suitcases in the jet. I smiled at them. "Thank you so much for helping us out." I said.

"No problem Ms...." "Oh I'm Elia." I said cutting him off.

"Have a safe flight." I hear the gentleman say. I waved at him and head up the stairs. I was roaming around that jet I almost forgot it was this big. "Wow dad it's so cool." I say while looking through the windows and sitting on every couch posing.

"I know it's been long since we had a little vacation." Dad mumbled. He was resting on the massage chair. "Hey dad is there another one of those." I say pointing with my finger at the leather chair.


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"Princess." he mumbled. "Yes." I said excitingly thinking he was going to let me on it. "First come first serve." He let out while sighing. "Dad!"I say playfully shouting.

"It's so relaxing Elia." He said trying to rub it in. "Ugh." I say while taking off to the opposite side of the plane.

" I say while taking off to the opposite side of the plane

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"I'm just kidding princess." I hear him say but I'm way too comfy. Eventually I fell asleep.
Few hours later~

Dad tapped on my head to tell me we landed, I had the best nap in a while. "We're already here?" I yawned out. "Yes sweetie." He answered.

I took off my seatbelt and got up. 'Great! My legs are asleep.' I thought as I pouted. Dad held my hand while we walked down the stairs of the jet.

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