13. Opera

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Authors Pov~

It was five minutes before the clock Elia was looking at reached 6:00 pm. She felt some sadness drain over her. Her and her father were already sat, the lights turned dim and now the voices inside the opera house was so quite that a paper clip falling would cause an echo.

Frank patted her head to gain her attention. "Hey, sweetheart what's with the long face." He whispered. Elia looked up from her lap and suddenly smiled and looked at him. "Oh nothings it's just, well the Mr. Silv brothers told me they would like to company us to the opera today since I told them we were going here, but they haven't showed." She said with a sigh leading after.

Frank was speechless he never thought business men, these particular men that were billionaires would make arrangements to see an opera that a girl invited them to. Now Frank was worried.

This didn't sit right with him, at all. He knew the billionaires had way more other important things to attend. 'So why would you attend this?' Was his exact thought.

"Dad look it's starting!" Elia whispered loudly trying to gain his attention." "Yes, sweetheart it is." He replied
After the entire show finished people were talking about it when they were getting up from their seats to leave. Frank was happy he made the decision to come to the opera, it made his daughter smile.

On the other hand Elia really felt happy she got to see this kind of performance but her "best friends" did not even show. She felt bummed out.

Meanwhile the brothers were in the exact building Elia was in but not present in the show. They were in a lounge area talking to each other about how they were going to whisk her away.

"I mean we can get her flustered and shy around us, maybe then she'll know her place is beside us." Mateo said while having his cigarette between his lips.

"I think that'll have to be the most reasonable option." Sebastián announced.
"Um dad can I take pictures of the opera house, please please I'll be quick!" Elia asked Frank. "Of course sweetheart but come back quick when I call your cell." Frank told her. "Yup I promise!" She said while giving him a quick hug and wandering off to the opera house again.

She had seen so many operas on television but she never thought she would be able to experience watching an opera.

Elia got her phone out and started to take pictures of the architecture and the stage. It was an amazing feeling for her, as well taking photos of her self too.

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