20. Conversation

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A/n :Please read previous chapters to understand this one, it's been a while <3

Authors Pov~

*Ring Ring*

The bell Elia was holding within her fingers rung. Her hand was about to jiggle once again so that the bell would ring throughout the estate.

When there was the sound of the door opening and shoes shuffling towards her bedside where she layed.

The brothers agreed to not permit Elia out of bed, it was for Elia to not get into harms way. So they begged her to stay in their room and to be in bed rest until Frank arrives to see her.

"Good morning baby, would you want some strawberry smoothie, Mateo will bring it to you in about two minutes." Leo asked while lightly jogging to her side while his eyes scanned her beauty features.

They gave her a bell for her not to scream for them, her voice could be soar by the time Frank would arrive.

"Yum! Although I was hoping if I could have some tea." Elia said with her eyes still close, snuggling into the blankets.

"Ohhh about that there's no more tea packets..." Leo said hoping she wouldn't get upset even though they knew her emotions they still wanted her to be a hundred percent happy or at least close to it.

Her beautiful voice giggled. He touched her warmth-not really although his ears did when hearing the enchanting melody.

His cheeks and the tips of his ears blushed crimson with enjoyment.

"I-I know I w-was just teasing you, I heard last night you three arguing about who should get the last tea packet." She said when her laughs started to settle down.

He picked up his left hand that was in his side to touch her cheeks. When her chest started to rise making her inhale a sharp breath.

"W-What happened, do I have something on my face?" Her voice began to linger with unsettlement.

He didn't answer, due to him himself not knowing why he had the urge to touch her.

Her hand started to touch her cheek when all she felt were the roughness of his skin.

"S-Sorry I forgot t-that your hand was there."

She said with a side smile.

"I-I wanted to ask a question Leo." Her eyes still closed.

"Yes sweetcheeks?" His voice showed softness within his tongue.

"Why do I have to keep my eyes closed still, even though it's calming I want to open to see?" She questioned with her eyebrows furrowing here and there.

"The doctor asked us to make sure that you rest, and have a full recovery." He answered her.

Her lips thinned, when recalling that incident.

"And also that your eyes don't get bothered by the bright sun, there is a full room in here illuminated by it. And I wouldn't want your sensitive eyes to get hurt." He said while leaving her cheek looking upwards seeing the ceiling.

Her mouth gaped.

"Woowww your basically saying I don't have good eye vision!" She joked out loud.

Yet he didn't notice how she said it.

"N-No not at all baby, you have perfect eyes, the kind where I can just dream about." He said trying to 'calm' her down.

"I-Im just teasing you, I know you didn't meant it in that way." Her smile appeared with her soft cherry lips plumping.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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