17. Guilty

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Elia's Pov~

   As the sun started settling down and the moon was wide awake in the dark sky. The stars settling in, making me sigh. The day went 'normal' as if anything's normal around here.

I looked down to readjust my night slippers. It was a little chilly and these slippers came in 'the basket'. Being honest their really comfy, makes me feel warm and cozy.

From the balcony the view is really dazzling, the pond is filled with little fish, and frogs. And the statues are really unique looking.

I make my steps towards the doors off of the balcony I was in, one of my favorite places has been this, making me feel free to think whatever.

I overlook the bed it was done, but there was three extra pillows. How could there be any pillo-
I almost gasped. "No, no, no, no they can't! I won't allow it." I say grabbing the pillows and throwing them elsewhere, didn't care right now.

I heard voices of mumbling coming up the stairs. They are for sure coming in here.

I scramble myself into the covers covering my face under as-well, my eyes could still see some light coming in through the covers.

I stretched my hand out and clicked a button, from the lamp and laid on my side. The door creaked opened and hear voices whispering.

"Awww looks like our baby fell asleep!" "Our pretty girl must be tired." "We should let her rest."

I heard the brothers say, and my heart started beating faster from the lack of air there was under the blankets. The door closed softly.

I fastly uncover myself. Me breathing from my mouth continued while I grabbed the glass of water on my night stand, then placing it down almost finishing it. I turned on the lamp and saw three figures.

Leo's Pov~

Our baby girl thought it was real funny of her to be faking that she was asleep.

We closed the door softly but still enough for her to hear. Me and my brothers heard some movements on the bed and then we were exposed.

She jumped and started standing up while her feet finding the slippers. Her eyes sometimes looking at us but when she made eye contact with us she would look down, in a flustered manner.

"I-I-I thought y-you guys were asleep already!"

"Oh baby we were going to sleep, although we can't find our pillows. Do you have any idea where they went baby?" I say trying to see if Elia would lie.

"Umm I-I don't know maybe you've left them in y-your own rooms." She said nibbling on her lower lip. She looked really delicious from her night clothes she was wearing, I mean I could eat her out and praise her- fuck now I have a-.

"Oh here they are! How did these things end up in the other side of the room?!" Sebastián asked while dusting all of our pillows from being on the floor.

"Ohh n-no clue!" She said while fiddling with her fingers, returning to her side of the bed. Her angelic legs climbing onto the bed and hands grabbing the cup of water and downing it, when placed down I saw some water droplets on her chin slowly reaching her neck.

My two brothers readjusting their pillows next to her. When all of a sudden, our princess was looking at the three of us with confusion in her eyes.

"W-why a-are you guys here though? In t-this room, you have always went to sleep in your own rooms." Her eyebrows furrowed, and her breathing fastened.

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