6. Sugar Rush

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I get up from my comfy bed and yawn. Then it comes to my head it's Friday!! I skip to my bathroom happily, brush up and use the toilet.

I brush my silky hair and then ask Mrs. Anna to help me with doing a hairstyle for me. She said if she can do a new hairstyle she thought of. I said yes happily.

Some time passes by and I look in the mirror. I look so good, beautiful even?!?! "Anna I love it! Thank you it's wonderful." "Your welcome dear." She smiles at me. I hug her. She's a special person to me.

"Anna?" I said then bit my lip. "Yes dear." She said. "Is my dad here still?" "Yes Elia." I didn't even last in my spot for a second. I got up so quickly to head downstairs that my chair fell down.

And rushed outside my bedroom the door slammed causing a vase to fall.

'N-no nooo I'm so clumsy!!!' I said to myself.

I find myself looking at my dads back. And then I remember the good old days where we would scare each other constantly and in the end of the week we would calculate who scared who more.

I slowly reached out to him making my footsteps light as a feather. "Elia." Dad said while turning his face to me. "H-how." Sweetie you dropped a vase, I heard". He said chuckling making his dimples pop out.

I smiled sheepishly. "So dad." I said. "Hm." "Can we have apple pie for breakfast with whip cream". I said cheeky. "Absolutely." He said.

"Let me get the ingredients." Dad said. "YUPP" I almost shouted. This day is going to be awesome.
'First apple pie then ITALYYY.' My head is spinning with the amount of silliness I am going to eat.

Couple hours later~


Our breakfast was awesome. My favorite was the whip cream though. Dad doesn't know but I might have just stole the other bottle of whip cream that was hidden by dad. But I'm too smart.

Currently I'm in my music room. It has many violins. I like to store for memories, this one was from my ten years old birthday.

Dad always said I'm his little princess and gifted me this with plenty of other toys

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Dad always said I'm his little princess and gifted me this with plenty of other toys.

Dad always said I'm his little princess and gifted me this with plenty of other toys

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Dad gave me this one when I was 13 years old. He found out that I was in love with the color pink. And I told him I was fascinated with things from Italy. So he payed a lot of money for the flowers to be painted by one of the famous painters in Italy.

I still have all these other violins from friends and performances awards. I was the top of my class from a violin class I took three summers in a row.

I shook the can of whip cream. I groaned. "There's nothing now." I said aloud. "GREAT" I shouted.

"Elia!" Dad shouted from downstairs. He looked a bit surprised when I ran and got there under five seconds. "Did yo-." "Yes, sorry." I said cutting him off. We both new we were talking about the whip cream.

"Well then anyways." "I booked the tickets for us to go to the airport in 3 hours". So we would leave for our flight at 1:00 pm and arrive around 3:10pm.

"Ok dad, Mrs. Anna already packed my clothings and jewelry yesterday evening." I rushed out.

"You are never eating whip cream again or at least the can, am I clear?" He said chuckling all through out his 'speech'. "Sir yes sir." I said while hiccuping. "Great all the laughing and sugar rush got me hiccuping now." I said while bits of tears were coming out of my eyes.

To be continued...





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