9. Library Pt.2

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{Little note}~ I update once a week. Twice if I have time. <3

Authors pov~

After what happened last night Elia cried alone when her dad wasn't looking. It was embarrassing for her to tell him. She was wondering if she told him the scene, would he ask her why she didn't defend herself. She felt humiliated.

"Um dad." Elia asked. "Yes sweetheart?" He replied. "May we please got to the library next door, I saw it when we arrived to the hotel?" She asked bitting her bottom lip.

"Anything you want sweetheart." He said while stepping out of the bathroom. He was brushing his hair. Frank didn't want Elia to know about the meeting with the Silvs last night, he was going to surprise her with a dinner saying he found investors to invest in his company therefore him earning millions in the future.

Frank heard a knock on the door, he opened it. "May I help you." He asked the man. Elia looked at the man. He was the man...last night. She noticed him looking at her body. Her eyes started to be blurry due to the tears trying to come out.

She ran to the bathroom hoping he would just leave her alone. She splashed some water on her face. Yes, it was chilly but it was either her dad would notice her redness eyes or that.

She twisted the doorknob and luckily she saw food on a little cart.

—————————————————————————One hour later~

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One hour later~

Elia and Frank finished their breakfast, which included crepes with white powder sugar, fresh sliced strawberries, and with vanilla sugar cookies.

"Alright sweetie are we done?" Frank asked her. Elia wiped the honey from the corner of her mouth and mumbled 'yea'. She got her white hair clip from her baggage and clipped her hair with some nice off white heels.

She looked in the mirror seeing her reflection and her dad touched the tip of her nose

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She looked in the mirror seeing her reflection and her dad touched the tip of her nose. The duo walked in the springing air out of the hotel to the library.

We stayed in the library till morning. We had it rented out until 5:00pm if any case we got an unexpected call for a meeting. Mateo got out to get some coffee for us three. I then locked it and went back to the table.

Leo was smoking a cigarette with some papers in his hand. "Are you going to just stand there and do nothing, hm?" He said. "Hey just got up five minutes ago asshole." I replied. I sat down organizing the papers from one client to another.

I heard a knock. That idiot did he really forget the library key. Mateo's hands were packed filled with drinks. I opened it and he practically ran to the table.  "Damn fatass!" I yelled with a smirk the halls making it echo all around.

We all finished our breakfast and Leo and Mateo went to use the restroom. I was packing up. I heard a creek but just ignored it, probably the old floor planks.

I sat down on a arm rest chair and read my emails on the computer. I heard giggling out the blue. The most beautiful melody. I took off my reading glasses and looked up. "Sweetheart, I think it's closed, there's no one here." A familiar old voice say. "Oh your just being silly!" The beautiful melody said breathlessly.

"All that sugar is kicking in Elia!" The old voice said. I then realized who that voiced belonged to. 'Frank Aguilar'. I then got up and spoke out. "Mr. Aguilar". I said sternly.

Their foot steps stopped on the hard wood flooring. Frank then turned to me and said, "Oh such a surprise to see you here still." He said with a smile.

"Me too, I thought you were already back home." I said while shaking his hand. The girl was behind Frank clinging onto his hand. I couldn't see her full face but jest a glimpse was enough to know that I want her.

"Mr. Aguilar." A deep voice echoed all throughout the library. Oh no are we in trouble. I felt bad already for dad, he brought me here.

It wasn't his fault.

It wasn't his fault.

I already had a speech ready for the man. I held onto dads arm and walked a little behind him. My left foot scratching my right leg. 'Now I regret not putting lotion.' I thought.

"Oh such a surprise to see you here still." Dad said out loud. Did he know the man. Oh my goodness my heart was stable, we are not in trouble. I let out a quiet sigh.

"Me too, I thought you were already back home." The mysterious man said out loud. They must be really good friends.

Dad turned to me and asked for me to go and read a book, I nodded my head with a bit of curiosity.

I walked through one of the aisles through M-Q. My favorite author of all time is Marlene Luis. Her writing is so fascinating. But unfortunately she passed 2 years ago. Therefore her biggest book being on a cliffhanger.

My eyes scan through authors I had never heard of. My middle finger trailing to each and every spine of books. I lean over a little to the point where I can see dad and the man and see the most magnificent pair of eyes or maybe three pairs of eyes.

The held so much power yet they look like they held care. One of their eyes looked like brownies dipped in fudge, the other seemed like fluffy clouds with greyness, and lastly, the ocean...seamed to be the right word for his pair of eyes. The three of them looked great. Beautiful even, I blushed at my thoughts.

I closed my eyes from not blinking to much. I looked down and remembered where I was, I started to read the introduction of the book when I looked up one last time.

Three pairs of eyes were on me. Staring like I was their source of life.

To be continued...

Hi lovely readers!

Thanks for reading till the end.

I know this is a tiny bit long but if you want me to create more long chapters, COMMENT<333



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