8. Library Pt.1

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I have a cigarette between my lips when I get a call. I crush it with my thumb and index finger and throw it out the window. It's from one of our clients that we came here to meet, Mr. Hernandez.

"Hello Mr. Silv I'm extremely sorry but can we please reschedule the meeting for 7:30 pm." He pleaded. "I suppose you don't really understand our agreement, the meeting will be at 7:00 pm." "Do you understand?" I say in a deadly tone to get it through his thick skull. All this while my brothers are smirking.

"Y-yes Mr. Silv. Again I'm extremely s-sorry for waisting y-your tim-." He stuttered through the phone. With out him finishing his sentence I ended it.

My brothers and I are in Italy for some business deals. We currently are on our private limo heading towards the private library. We rented the library specifically for three meetings. One at 7:00pm, then 9:00pm, and lastly 11:30.

"Ugh, those idiots might step on my new shoes

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"Ugh, those idiots might step on my new shoes." Leo complains about the paparazzi that are outside of the car. "Those scumbags are really annoying, brothers." Sebastián says.

'If one of these idiots even dare ask a question about our father I'll shred them to pieces.' I thought. "Agreed." Leo speaks. My face turned into a dumbfounded look. "Your my brother, I can basically read your thoughts." He says while having a hard look on his face.

I opened the door, Sebastián and Leo got out after me. We walked in long strides to the library. One after one questions were being thrown at us, since they were circling around us.

"Sir, how do feel about being one of the first biggest billionaires in this city right now?" One of them said.

"Sir Mateo, Is it true that you had a one night stand with a stripper two weeks ago." Some idiot said. I have to admit I really wanted to burry him alive in this exact spot.

"Sirs, have you spoken to your father after he had given you three the most profitable hotel." A woman said. 'Oh I really hope I heard you wrong.' I thought. I looked at the hideous woman, basically throwing her breasts outside of her shirt. I knew I wouldn't forget a face and I hope she's praying for mercy once I make a call.

We walked through the doors to the library. Our coats had sprinkles out water drops since it was sprinkling. The place was empty, "Well Mr. Hernandez I like your compassion about being here early." Leo says with a hard statue look on his face.

"Now let's talk business." I say loudly enough to make Mr. Hernandez to start shaking.

Hours later~

Two meetings went well so far. We bought one company for 1.60 million dollars. Now we only have one meeting left, which is Mr. Aguilar. We actually never planned this, unfortunately our previous meeting was canceled due to our client in a delay.

But we wanted to meet him due to making progress with the products and going over some documents.

Mr. Aguilar did not disappoint us about him being on time. "Sorry was I a little late?" He asked while dropping his suitcase on the table and looking at his watch. He looked relieved when he was two minutes early.

"So we already started packing your products in our warehouse and shipped over $100,000 worth in the last couple of days." I say. His expression was amazed. "Although we would ask for a percentage if you would like us to move your products to another warehouse of ours." I said.

"Well how high are you willing to go for the percentage?" Mr. Aguilar asked. "Instead of 23% we would ask for 30%." Sebastián replied.

It was frustrating after thirty minutes because he was not budging. He wanted 27%, and I really was about to punch him in the guts. That was an embarrassing price for him to offer to us, never in my twenty eight years of living did I hear such a low price.

"Alright Mr.Silvs I'll give you the 30%." He said. I looked up at him and smirked. "You made the greater choice of your life." I said while all three of us take turns shaking his hand. He had a million dollar smile for the decision he made for his company.... but was it really his company at all...

To be continued...

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