2. Ricco, why?

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I ate French toast after dad left and I am now currently driving to my private school called Frost.

Benji, my private driver as I like to give everyone a nickname, is driving me. Most of the time me and Benji play little games here and there.

He parked near the curb and I get off. Once he sees I'm through the school doors he drives off. He always tells me I am his first priority. Once he sees I'm in he calls my dad to let him know. But I always thank him for the things he does.

Ricco, my friend waves to me and walks over to me while I head to my homeroom. He is such a good friend. Him and I are like jelly and peanut butter. We have known for each other for 5 years.

"So Elia me and my friends are heading to Greg's Pizza in about 3hours after school, wanna come"? Ricco said out fast.

"I really don't think I'll make it, me and and my father might have dinner together. But if we don't I'll make it." I said looking up at him. My neck hurts after awhile staring at him because he's super tall and I'm barely 5'5.

"Alright shortcake". He mumbles then smirks down at me. He gave me that nickname ever since we were 14. I grinned at him showing my dimples.


It's currently 4:00 pm and the end of school. Benji picks me up and heads towards our house.

My dad calls around this time just to make sure I'm safe and wants to talk to me about my day and his

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My dad calls around this time just to make sure I'm safe and wants to talk to me about my day and his.




"Yes dad" I pick up my phone to my ear.

"How are you" .... "Are you with Benjamin?"

"Yes dad, I am" I say happily since he called.

"So dad are we going to have dinner since it's Monday ?" I ask hoping he would say yes.

"Sorry honey I can't I have an appointment with a serious client". "Oh it's okay". I say bluntly.

"I'm sorry princess I really am. I'll tell you what after the appointment, on Friday we can fly out to Italy like we always used to do for my birthday?" He says happily all through out his speech.

My mind drifts off to 2 years ago of us going to Italy
and flying on his private airplane. Memories. I think of.

"Promise?" I said looking up of the ceiling of the limo. "Yes princess, you have my word".

My body was shaking with excitement. "We have a deal then". I huffed our playfully.

"Okay see you around 10:00 pm Elia."  "Oh dad since we aren't going to have dinner me Ricco want to go to the pizza place a few blacks away with some friends." I say hopefully for him to say yes.

"Elia just be careful you know how I don't like him."
"Dad I will".

I wore a simple outfit. Which consists of a white top and white flower print skirt . And I curled a few strands of my hair.

 I walk into the pizza place

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I walk into the pizza place. Ricco had send me the address to it. I search for the table with Ricco in it.

"Elia". I hear a familiar voice call out. I see Ricco sitting in a booth with 3 of his friends.

I walk towards the table. And greet the people. Jack, Liam, and Adam. "Hi I am Elia". I say to them.

"No shit". I hear Jack say out loud. I look towards Ricco signaling to him with my eyes that I am in a clearly uncomfortable state.

"Elia sit next to me". Ricco says. I do. Ricco puts his arm around me and I blush at the sudden position we are in.

"Adam get the pizza." Ricco says. "Oh yea". Adam says walking towards the stand.

After some time we finish up. We talk and stuff.

"So Elia". Liam says. "How long have you've been together with Ricco".

My face turns red with all eyes on me. I turn more red when I actually took in the information fully.

"W-what d-do you mean?" I ask out curiously.

"Well you know you've been together for some years with Ricco I just want to know specifically". He digs in more deeper.

I turn my head towards Ricco and look at him at a dumb state. And also see that he's kinda sweating and with that his arm unravels from my shoulder.

I blush again for the hundredth time of all eyes on me.


To be continued....

Hey y'all I wrote another chapter for y'all bc I had a lot of free time. <3

I wrote a little more than chapter 1. I am hoping to write this much next chapter:)

How is the story line going so far. All opinions that you have comment please!

Who is your favorite character so far ?
Anyone who is reading this HUGS AND KISSES 💝

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