11. Cafe

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Authors pov~

After Elia's encounter with the Silvs in the library she was beyond happy to now be friends with people from a different country. She thought it was a unique experience and a funny one since they are friends with her father.

Now Elia and her father were walking towards a cafe, one of the fanciest cafes Elia has set her eyes upon. "Dad l-look l-look!" Elia almost shouted while pointing at the building. She couldn't explain the architecture but one word came in mind; phenomenal.

Her smile with her dimples are so contagious if she went inside any building it can make people smile with her, especially three individuals.

Elia has no clue that her father set up a breakfast to meet up with the Silvs. He wanted to tell her that he found investors which were the Silvs.

Elia hopped on the couple of stairs that led to the doors of the "Café Florian"

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Elia hopped on the couple of stairs that led to the doors of the "Café Florian". She saw through the windows it sparkled in glorious.

Dad opened the door me as I walk into the cafe. He told me this would be a special breakfast but I don't really know why. As I walk in I smile at dad for choosing this type of place, it was beautiful in the I side and out. "Dad! You outdid yourself." I said while giggling.

"Only for my little girl." He said while gesturing me to a table. "Aren't we suppose to wait to be seated!" I ask dad in a worry voice. We might just get scold at by the manager.

"I made a reservation for all of us sweet heart." Dad replied. I am confused. 'All of us?' I thought. After a few seconds of arriving to a table I recognized some familiar faces. Dad gestured me to say my greetings to them three, Mr.Silvs.

Dad shook hands with them and now it was my turn. I said "how are you" and they responded with a 'hm'.

As in right now me and my brothers are waiting patiently for our love. This morning Frank asked us if we would be free to come to breakfast with him and his daughter, we accepted.

It's been over five minuets and they are still not here. If Frank walked out on us he will be seeing the gods soon enough for coming in between our kitten.

Early this morning we couldn't keep our minds off of her.


I sit down on the sofa as I'm scrolling through my computer. My coffee left untouched, while I'm waiting for a call I look up. My brothers and I were all staring at each other.

Mateo on my right and Leo on a sofa chair.We couldn't recognize each others faces. Usually our faces are firm and tough now it's like we're all in a daze.

I looked at the ceiling "fuck." We all say in union. We looked at each other. Leo through his cigarette on the floor. "Should we?" I spoke out. They knew what I meant.

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